IB Students Raising Money for Cancer Research

ePathfinderFeatureReema Shather

IB Students Raising Money for Cancer Research

In the middle of these unprecedented times, a group of students at Deerfield Beach High School working with the Leukemia Lymphoma Society (LLS) has formed Team Teens Against Cancer, a group devoted to building a brighter future through fundraising for blood cancer cures. Formed by DBHS seniors Tyler Gordon and Viraaj Miriyala, this group joined the LLS 2021 Student of the Year Campaign to make a difference. The goal of this campaign is to raise money for cancer research and awareness. (The link to donate to their team can be found here.)

Other members of Team Teens Against Cancer from DBHS include seniors Samuel Anglen, Deion York, Paula Navarro, Arlyn Llenas, Logan Barcelos, Dante Delgardo, Devansh Khanna, Ogulsah Erk Mete, and junior Aditi Sarkar. They are IB students that came together and chose this as their Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) project.

This campaign’s donation period lasts until March 25th. They have an ambitious goal of raising $20,000 and are actively searching for sponsors for their team. All money donated will go towards the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. LLS funds cancer research for finding cures and improved treatments for cancer patients, which is important because of how difficult current treatments are on the body. For Gordon, this endeavor has a special meaning.

“In middle school, I was diagnosed with cancer and had to endure two excruciating years of chemotherapy,” Gordon said. “My goal to find a cure to help others in situations similar to mine is augmented through raising funds for LLS.”

There have been some setbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Traditionally, groups have been able to raise money through a variety of events. However, many of these in-person options are not possible, which can make it more difficult to fundraise.

“There will have to be a shift to more online-based fundraisers and any in-person events will have to follow Covid safety guidelines,” Gordon said.

Team Teens Against Cancer is working hard to change the future of millions. Any donations would be much appreciated.

You can read more about the mission of the Leukemia Lymphoma Society here.

Written by Reema Shather  | Graphic Designed by Reema Shather