Illuminating Outstanding Students

ePathfinderFeatureStacey Martinez

Illuminating Outstanding Students

National Honor Society’s upcoming events

National Honor Society commemorates the hard-working and outstanding scholars of Deerfield Beach High School in a new year of projects and opportunities. Following their pledge, the club members venture into an era of striving to meet the standards of scholarships, service, leadership, and character.

Sponsored by Mr. Pizzo in room 225, members meet every third Wednesday of the month to discuss important events hosted by the club. Prior events that took off included the Red Ribbon Week door decorating contests, where members chose a teacher to represent in embellishing their doors for drug awareness. The club’s next contribution is the Little Bucks Holiday Toy Drive in partnership with Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, in which students are to donate new toys for five-year-olds from November 28th to December 14th. Students are encouraged to give diverse and ethnically inclusive holiday toys, where they can optionally choose to partner with local businesses, religious groups, a DBHS club, a teacher, or a staff member to collect them.

Prizes will be awarded to those who collect the most toys and wrapping paper. Members donating more than four toys will also have the opportunity to visit Deerfield Park Elementary on December 16th to deliver gifts and interact with a Head Start PreK student. For a fee of $22, NHS members can enjoy sharing a day of fun and positivity with children, including transportation and a Chinese buffet lunch separately. Those participating can also dress as elves or in holiday pajamas on the trip, although seats are limited to 45.

The NHS has numerous fun activities and projects set for the school year to benefit surrounding communities, such as the upcoming Book Drive. Members will also be granted points for their contributions to maintain their positions as they are required 15 event points, 30 new service hours logged per semester, and five tutoring hours that can be done on or off campus. Additional activities students can experience during the third quarter are the Dodge Ball Competition and Renaissance Festival Field Trip, with more information and exciting plans to come in the future.

“I am positive students will have an engaging year, as they have already demonstrated their ability to lead others with our first event – I am extremely proud of their efforts,” NHS leader Mr. Pizzo said.

Totaling 73 current members, the club is flourishing in numbers higher than in the past ten years. Students are sought out by their academic skills of over a 3.25 GPA and at least 30 hours logged in beforehand. But initiation also demonstrates their ability to contribute positively to the school, staff, and community . The National Honor Society is bumbling with lively personalities this year who are ready to aid communities and gain experiences throughout the grand scale of opportunities they present.

“By being in NHS, it’ll help me have more opportunities for things, such as scholarships and acceptance into more prestigious colleges or universities,” said junior NHS member Lavy Tran. “Plus, it’ll help with self-improvement as you can become a better version of yourself by helping out with the community, whether it be from clubs or societies.”

The National Honor Society offers many experiences and activities beneficial to the endeavors of students seeking education beyond high school. It is also an incredible opportunity to expand a resume of experiences and help society through every contribution. By paying an annual fee of $20, members can broaden their leadership and social skills through the many events hosted by the NHS. As upcoming projects will be held, the club strives to follow its creed of compassion on their mission to support communities.

Written by Stacey Martinez | Graphic Designed by Stacey Martinez