Influential Woman of Deerfield

ePathfinderFeatureIsabella Cournyea

Influential Woman of Deerfield

Honoring Flora Philpart

Commitment helps a community grow strong, and reliable role models influence future hard workers. Fortunately, Deerfield Beach High School is not short of dedicated, influential staff. One being Administrative Assistant Flora Philpart, congratulated by DBHS on being named an Influential Woman of Deerfield Beach.

Mrs. Philpart has resided in Deerfield Beach since before the school’s establishment. She has been assisting Deerfield Beach High for 19 years and has served with the Broward Sheriff’s Office for 25 years. She was born and raised in Deerfield Beach, even having children as graduates of DBHS.

“I love the spirit of DBHS. It can be easy or more difficult depending on the day and time, but it’s always worth it,” Philpart said.

Growing up here, Mrs. Philpart has always been involved in the community. She often participated in youth activities and attended the sports games her children played, such as Little League Baseball and football. She provides DBHS assistance at Student Affairs, gladly assisting students and answering questions.

“Most of my services are with youth, so activities like Girl Scouts and sports,” Philpart said. “My community at church has also been important to me.”

Essential figures in Deerfield’s community are gathered at the Women’s History Hall of Fame Breakfast, which sold out of tickets earlier than expected. Here, Mrs. Philpart was named an Influential Woman of Deerfield. Her extended daughter made the heartwarming act of laying a red carpet upon Philpart’s entrance. Philpart extended the gesture to the other attendants, and everyone present at the event could walk across it.

“It was overwhelming but remarkable to experience. You truly have to be in that position to understand how I felt. It was beautiful,” Philpart said.

Mrs. Philpart cares deeply about role models for girls and uplifting women’s achievements. She would like young women to know there is always hope and to appreciate themselves and others. Her advice is to be humble, don’t change for anyone, stand up, and love.

“I’ve always heard people say, ‘give me my flowers while I live,’ so I would love to give those flowers while they can smell them rather than wait until they’re gone and talk about them,” Philpart said.

Deerfield Beach is fortunate to have someone as dedicated as Mrs. Philpart contributing to the community. Despite her title and reward, she will credit her peers and express gratitude to everyone she meets. Her commitment and good heart create a role model to look up to.

Written by Isabella Cournyea | Graphic Designed by Isabella Cournyea