ePathfinder Staff

 Spark Your Future

The Butler Scholarship The Butler Scholarship was created in 1976 by J.D. Butler and Alice Butler in memory of their children Evelyn Butler, Reba Butler, and J.D. Butler Jr. Mrs. Butler wished to be able to aid students who could not afford all the expenses that follow pursuing higher education …

Embracing the Differences

The importance of diversity in media Diversity in media is critical, now more than ever with the rise of technology and online media usage. It is no secret that the media tends to choose a specific group of people, but that can lead to effects like stereotypes and misunderstandings. Diversity …


Kamar Maaz | Class of 2027

As an avid reader, Kamar Maaz, enjoys writing, and indulging in movies. She enjoys taking care of animals, so she hopes to become a marine biologist. Her favorite song is The Last Great American Dynasty by Taylor Swift, and her favorite movie is Lady Bird. She is Venezuelan and can speak Spanish. She chose the CBA magnet program because it was a chance to go to school with her best friend while doing something she enjoys.

Expected Student Privileges

The rights of students in schools Teens have nearly the same amount of privilege that adults have in the real world. Even further, some students, especially ones attending higher levels of school, start forming the mental capability and maturity to make their own decisions that will help them in their …

Friendship in Learning

Embracing classroom connections Sitting with friends in class is an important aspect of free will while learning but sometimes it causes distractions and teachers tend to take that privilege away for a certain time due to efficiency, some even assign seats for this purpose. Years of this debate has caused …

Power in Words

Significance of literature in schools In the world of education, literature has always played a prominent and pivotal role. Some argue that mandating a subject with no practical application is pointless. Contrary to popular belief, literature can be valuable for understanding others and fostering empathy and communication. “I believe that …

Online Newspaper Stories

Go the Distance

Expectations for this upcoming season Deerfield Beach High Bucks are going the mile as they run the 2023-2024 cross-country season. The Bucks had their first meet on September 13th at Tradewinds Park. In cross-country, a school’s team score is based on each runner’s performance. They are assigned a point value for the place a runner finishes in. First place wins one point, second wins two points, and so on. So, the school with the lowest score wins the meet. Their next meet was on September 26th in which they had an impressive average of 28 minutes for the boys’ three-mile …

Get in the Game

Expectations for this upcoming season Coming into this season with high spirits are the Deerfield Beach High Soccer Bucks’. The boys’ soccer team won 12 games in the regular season and had two more wins in districts with only five losses last year. While the girls only had two wins and one draw the previous season. This year, the boys’ and girls’ soccer teams are working hard to prepare for the 2023-2024 season. “My goal for this upcoming season is to come out of the gate explosive not just for me but my team as well. Also being committed to …

Splashing Waters

Water polo returns to DBHS Those in the pursuit of sports who are looking for a new challenge to take on this school year can search no further and consider joining the Deerfield Beach High Bucks water polo team for the upcoming 2023-2024 spring season. This opportunity can help one stay active, improve skills, and make new friends. Water polo is a challenging sport that requires a combination of swimming, teamwork, and strategy. No matter the level of experience as a student, learning basic swimming and water polo fundamentals will be enforced. The goal for this upcoming season is to …

Takedown or Breakdown

Wrestling begins at DBHS The Deerfield Beach Bucks are preparing for the upcoming 2023-2024 wrestling season. The team will be led by Mark Gadson, an experienced candidate with 18 years of wrestling coaching experience. Assisting will be DBHS’ very own World History teacher and wrestling coach James Forbes. Gadson, a veteran of the sport, is expected to bring his expertise to the team. Deerfield Beach has a history of producing great wrestlers, with many of them being admitted to universities such as Florida State University (FSU) and Florida A&M University. Over the years, the Deerfield Bucks have grown, and this …

Buck’s Breaking Par

DBHS expectations for golf 2024-2025 As Deerfield Beach High School Bucks Tee off their season confidently, they are ready and prepared for the upcoming matches. Last year as there was only one person on the team, the golf at DBHS struggled. Now with the 2024-25 season, six members of the team have worked hard in the preseason, and the Deerfield Beach Bucks seem to be on the green.  “This is the best team we have had in my 20 years of coaching here,” said golf coach Johnston. Going into this season with high expectations the Bucks are excited and ready.  …