Leave of Absence

ePathfinderIsabella BeckPerspectives

Leave of Absence

Withdrawing from the school system

The debate of scholars being allowed to drop out has been a topic both parents and teenagers have discussed for many years. Yet, students still choose to drop out instead of walking across the stage. For some, school can be very stressful, while others may argue that school is just a part of life and that everyone goes through these challenges.

“Students should be able to drop out because school’s not for everyone, and under certain circumstances, they might not be able to finish high school,” said DBHS senior Abigail Dostaly.

Stress and anxiety are also on an upward slope as the school years go by, with parents encouraging their children to get good grades and do the mountains of homework from school. It is common for students to soak up all the knowledge they’ve received from other things, including community college and taking small personal classes on their own time. Nearly 27% of students drop out due to failing too many of their classes, which goes to show how tense school can be for a student.

“Usually depends on the struggle and difficulties the person is facing like, if they’re doing good, they should at least try and still go to school,” said DBHS junior Roline Jean-Baptiste.

On the other hand, dropping out of school at a young age can cause a downfall and impact the way the future plays out. It risks losing the ability to develop real-life social skills such as teamwork, time management, and coping with work.

After dropping out, the potential to reach for higher education, including university and college, is no longer available unless otherwise decided to attend a community college. Although some jobs may not require a higher education diploma, having one will increase the chances of being selected for employment.

About six percent of dropouts are likely to be successful in the future, with many believing they’re in that range. If a student is considering dropping out, they should consider the effects it might have on their future. Dropping out comes with the risk of overcoming everything and succeeding or failing and regretting their decision. Finishing high school may be difficult but it guarantees a better chance at success.

Written by Isabella Beck | Graphic Designed by Isabella Beck