Look the Way You Live

ePathfinderFeatureStacey Martinez

Look the Way You Live

Two students on a path of entrepreneurship

Making it momentous in a career is a big dream for some people, and D&Rville takes the first step towards achieving that. Taking place in the competitive clothing market, Deerfield Beach High School students Jee Deronvil and Dave Reeves have earned their spots as young and spirited entrepreneurs.

During the middle of the pandemic, the two sought a lucrative opportunity in drop-shipping as it was taking off. This inspired Deronvil and Reeves to collaborate and launch their own business. Since its beginnings, D&R’s brand has branched into various merchandise. From broad selections of outfits to slick accessories, buyers can adorn themselves with high-quality and diverse materials. There is always something new to expect as the brand expands and drops more editions in the future.

However, finding a chance of success in the saturated clothing market looked like a shot in the dark. There is heavy competition online aiming to garner as many consumers as possible. But the students navigated the space and found their footing after investing much patience into learning marketing.

“There’s no way of knowing that your brand is going to be successful, you have to keep going,” said D&Rville co-founder Jee Deronvil. “Try to get to the target audience, and when it sticks, it sticks.”

Carving a niche in the business took much trial and error since the establishment of D&R in 2020. But the two continued to learn and grow through determination rather than waiting for luck to strike. Although traversing entrepreneurship has difficulties, D&R proves to students of DBHS that all it takes is making the first move.

“Waiting for that perfect time is just never going to happen,” said co-founder Dave Reeves. “You just have to do it, and once you keep on building on it, then you’ll realize that ‘I did it like that’ and ‘I didn’t wait for some golden opportunity’.”

Currently, the brand is focused on offering a vast line of apparel, including hoodies, shirts, pants, shorts, accessories, chargers, phone cases, and the sort. They outline a typical day of business as thinking of new designs, additions to the store, or how to change the website. This strategy of marketing is done in hopes of communicating with various people and online influencers to introduce possible sponsors. Hard work is routine but a necessary part of the job to grow a supportive following.

The students envision bigger plans for their business as they hope to pursue this endeavor after graduating. Outside the screen, Deronvil and Reeves strive to sell their clothes in a store apart from online. While it is a steep goal, both founders have demonstrated profound leadership so far leading to good prospects for the brand. Additionally, their dedication and love for D&Rville are extensive enough to carry them through the journey.

“When you’re as young as us, nobody is going to take you seriously,” said Deronvil. “But that doesn’t matter because you’re doing it for you, for what you have in mind, for your vision. So, focus on your business, focus on your goals, focus on yourself.”

The young entrepreneurs hold promise in their ambition and prove that a persistent and creative mind can go far. As they move forward, their experience will only grow and hone the skills crucial to running a business. There is much to look forward to for D&Rville, and pitching their website is only the beginning.

Written by Stacey Martinez  | Graphic Designed by Stacey Martinez