Love Through Time Zones

Courtney GiftePathfinderPerspectivesRihanna Damas

Love Through Time Zones

The Long Distance Dynamic

Every relationship has a different dynamic based on the participants, though one type of partnership will always face the same challenges. One of the most grueling dynamics and challenges a relationship can confront is long distance.

A long-distance relationship can stretch as far as just one state to another or from one country to another. Thousands of miles and different time zones have never stopped love from reaching two people. Developing a long-distance relationship like any other involves trust, loyalty, commitment, love, fulfillment, compatibility, and the ability to challenge one another to become their best selves. Even if all of this is developed, maintaining it can be more work.

Many people believe a long-distance relationship is what they desire or something they can handle until they enter the relationship. As time goes by, many find they cannot bear the struggles of a long-term and long-distance relationship.

A sophomore at DBHS says, “Long-distance relationships never last. Even if they are still dating a person after a long time, they will eventually lose interest due to the lack of seeing each other.”

While many are against a long-distance relationship, there are people out there who believe distance does indeed make the heart grow fonder. Being in a long-distance relationship prompt each partner to be more open and trust the other to strengthen their relationship in a way they cannot due to the lack of physical presence in each other’s lives.

Communication is the key to keeping a relationship healthy, no matter how far or close.

“Having conversation everyday with your partner is a great way to just simply enjoy everything they have to offer. Nothing stays hidden if you are constantly talking and cherishing one another,” said DBHS junior Lissy Menoura.

Any long-distance relationship can last a long time. The couple can thrive just as much as the couple who lives next door to another. No matter the distance between the couple, it is about how invested they are and the dynamic they work at and build.

Written by Rihanna Damas | Graphic Designed by Courtney Gift