Marcel Elkouri: The future of Neuroscience

ePathfinderFeatureReema Shather

Marcel Elkouri: The future of Neuroscience

DBHS Alumni is granted a fellowship to further his Neuroscience Research

One of Deerfield Beach High School’s best and brightest has been recognized for his valuable research in the neuroscience field by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Marcel Elkouri, an IB 2017 DBHS graduate, has always been interested in science and has been given a chance to start his dream journey at the College of Wooster. The NSF has awarded Elkouri with a paid fellowship to expand his graduate studies in STEM.

Elkouri’s fellowship lasts five years and will give him opportunities one can only dream of having. At the start of his 20s, Elkouri will have earned an impressive $102,000. This money will help him achieve his goals of furthering advancements in science. He will likely put it towards his education, in which he plans to attend the University of Michigan to pursue a doctorate in neuroscience.

“I am so excited for what Marcel has accomplished and the opportunities he has had at The College of Wooster,” IB coordinator Kelly Caputo said.

As an IB student, Elkouri was able to form a connection with Ms. Caputo. She watched him and his love for science, specifically neuroscience, grow since he was just a freshman. Elkouri has come a long way since he attended DBHS. He set high expectations and was able to achieve them at a young age. His accomplishments are an inspiration to all of our current students here at Deerfield.

“You do not have to be the best, and you do not have to be the brightest,” biology teacher Richard Chang said. “What you will need is the will to continue even when the path towards your goal seems difficult.”

Some students may feel both inspired yet intimidated by hearing a success story like Elkouri’s, but it is necessary to remember that every student at DBHS is capable of achieving great things. Determination and persistence are the keys to success.

“Pursue what you are passionate about and do not be afraid of failure or struggles,” Caputo said.

Elkouri was able to reach his full potential by confronting any failures or hardships he came across. He learned from his mistakes rather than letting them beat him down. It’s vital to keep in mind that everyone will struggle at times, but if you push through, you too can accomplish your goals. Let Elkouri be a beacon of hope for all DBHS students.

Written by Reema Shather  | Graphic Designed by Reema Shather