Meet the Teachers

Headlines and Happenings of Deerfield Beach High School by the award winning Pathfinder Newspaper, a product of the CBA Magnet Program.

Meet the Teachers

As usual, as a new school year begins the time comes where parents have the opportunity to gain more knowledge about the school. On Tuesday, August 27th Deerfield Beach High School will be holding the annual Open House at 6:00 p.m.

This event is for parents to become familiar with the school’s expectations and plan for students, as it is important for parents to become involved in the students’ school career. This night will provide them with information about academics, sports, and students’ day to day activities, including class schedules, grading systems, and syllabi. Parents will also be able to meet face to face with teachers, but not for individual meetings.

Remember, parents will be moving class to class with their child’s schedules, below, during the Open House. Along with seeing Mr. Marlow Principal’s Welcome Message played through the school’s website at the start of Open House. Any teacher or parent without access to a television will be able to play the video by clicking here.