No Place like Home-Base

ePathfinderIsabella CournyeaSports

No Place like Home-Base

Pre-season Expectations for Softball

The high school softball season is right around the corner for most schools and Deerfield Beach High is not exempt. Therefore, this year’s softball team has been practicing vigorously for upcoming games to ensure their performance is the top tier to be the best against their opponents.

This year, DBHS Softball Coach Kerri Zamora may find a little challenge in such a task. Many fresh players have joined, which means most of the preparation time will be spent running through the basics and finding out where they fit on the team based on their abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. 

“We have a lot of inexperience, but everyone works hard, and we can work with that,” states Zamora. “If we have good leadership, and everyone continues to want to learn, then I think we can surprise some people.” 

As a team, they run through the team’s training rituals before their games, such as sprint progression and baserunning drills, throwing progression, and “cross-over” infield practice. These help the team improve in good throwing mechanics and help the coaches identify where a person needs to be in the field in each scenario. 

“Before the season starts, we have been preparing by practicing almost every day and going over our game plans,” senior DBHS softball player Lauren Weeden said. Though she still holds high hopes for her peers.

With a flood of new people training before the season starts, one may expect them to not feel ready for this season. However, they stay buoyant and still have positive expectations. Junior Thania Geffard recently joined this school year and listened attentively to her superiors. 

“Assistant Coach Tozzi always talks about wanting us to be better months later than the current time, and I can’t help but agree,” Geffard said. “I think I’ll be seeing better improvement in both myself and my peers.”  

Coach Zamora relishes staying positive as well. Even with the extra training needed she doesn’t allow her and her team to slow down and doubt the outcome of the season.

“We have a great, hardworking group of girls, and both Coach Tozzi and I have a lot of experience with softball. They are already showing improvement only 2-3 weeks into practice,” Zamora said.  

The pre-season softball expectations are those of confidence and hope within the team. Though this does not set in stone any lack of drawbacks, and all will be revealed when it begins.

Written by Isabella Cournyea | Graphic Designed by Isabella Cournyea