Over or Under the Counter

Courtney GiftePathfinderHailey JimenezPerspectives

Over or Under the Counter

Staying Safe with Birth Control

Birth control is not a necessity but something many women would like to have for their reasons. Due to there being so many different types of birth control, and each type comes with an extensive list of side effects, all birth control for women should remain to be prescribed, only medication.

A doctor should hold an examination and prescribe a medicated birth control that is right for each individual and their body to prevent health issues. A multitude of tests need to be run and questions need to be asked before a medical professional can authorize safe and effective birth control. Many forms of birth control for women are a strong and effective form of contraception but can do more harm than protecting in some cases.

Every type of birth control for women whether it’s the pill, an IUD implant, or a patch, comes with risks. A medical professional is best suited to look at a woman’s body and prescribe the healthiest way to protect themselves in every aspect.

Many women take birth control for other reasons than wanting to practice safe sex. Birth control can help with hormones, period cramps, acne, reduces the risk of ovarian cysts, and regulate a menstrual cycle.

Unfortunately, most women tend to buy a not prescribed over-the-counter pill in hopes of it reacting well to their bodies and keeping them safe. This usually happens because of the stigma surrounding a woman, especially a young woman, getting any form of birth control and also due to the cost.

A form of prescribed birth control is more expensive than something a woman can get in, a matter of minutes at a local pharmacy, but the cost should not out-weight a person’s safety.

All birth controls should ultimately cost the same. The price of birth control should not be on how effective it is. Everyone should get the same opportunity of staying protected and safe without having to pay extra.

All women should have the right to the best and most effective birth control medication at the same fair price as one that may not be as effective. Everyone should have the same advantage when getting on birth control.

Written by Hailey Jimenez | Graphic Designed by Courtney Gift