Over Two Centuries of Service

Anna MujicaePathfinderNews

Over Two Centuries of Service

MCJROTC Hosting Cake-Cutting Ceremony

On November 10, 1775, the Continental Marines was founded. The Second Continental Congress decided to recruit two battalions of Continental Marines, creating the birth of the U.S. Marines. In a traditional ceremony, there will be a ball with a cake cutting ceremony.

“A cake is cut by the oldest and youngest person in the Marines,” senior Cadet Emily Ponce said. “They first each eat their slice of cake, then share with the rest in the ceremony.”

It is unclear when the celebration turned into a ball, but there are several records of all Marines celebrating, in diverse ways, across the country. The first ball was held in the barracks, starting the tradition. There was no evidence of the ceremony happening until it was documented 12 years later.

These two main traditions have continued for the past over 80 years. Preparations for the day start every summer, but the festivities do not begin until the start of Fall when the Marines commence practicing their parts in the ceremony. Marine Corps Order No. 47 and the Commandant’s statement to those who are present are also included, in all commemoration.

“Three traditions that always happen are the cake is cut by a sword then there are people at the ceremony who conduct many things such as Color Guard and perform the National Anthem. They also play a video for the people to send a message about how important it is to celebrate this day, ” Ponce said.

The celebration of the Marine Corps Birthday is about honoring those who serve or are serving and their sacrifices.

“They take in a lot of pride that day, no matter where they are, to even eat a cracker to show their respect,” Ponce said.

MCROTC students will be holding a cake-cutting ceremony in the gymnasium on November 10th during 4th Period to celebrate. With more than two centuries of service, the Marine Corps will be celebrating its 246th birthday.

Written by Ana Mujica  | Graphic Designed by Sophia-Rose Gargum
