Passing Another Season

ePathfinderIsabella CournyeaSports

Passing Another Season

End of Season for Boys Basketball

The basketball season for the Deerfield Beach High Bucks has come to an end. They finished the regular season with a record of 12-8 and placed 4th in the District Playoff Tournament. They rolled past Park Vista High School in the first round of Districts 67-49. Unfortunately, an away District Semifinal Playoff game against the Coral Springs Colts ended Deerfield’s season, losing 54-53.

The season was no doubt a strong one for the Bucks. There were winning scores across the board and the losses were only on the cusp of victory, including the final game against Coral Springs. However, Assistant Coach Vanderbilt Carpenter has a feeling about how the results came to be.

“Lack of execution was the main factor on why the game turned out the way it did,” Coach Carpenter said regarding the game against the Colts. “I will make sure we do a better job and work on that.”

It’s easy to let the finale dampen a mood. Coach Carpenter reports feeling as if they could have accomplished much more. Some team players stand by that feeling but also think it might have been a good thing.

“I was upset to end such a great season with that game, but I see it as a learning experience,” senior player Shiv Patel said. “I’m sure next season we will all become better because of this.”

From the team’s perspective, the weight is heavier than imagined. Still, the boys can find a sense of pride under the rubble. After all, the season was considered one of fulfillment by the scores.

“How I played individually could always be improved, but as far as the team goes, we are a lot better than we were two seasons ago. We have grown and become a team nobody can compete with,” sophomore player Jaironn Speights said.

Speights is not alone in recognizing the improvements of his peers. Coach Carpenter has kept an eye on the team’s current and future progression.

“I think as the year went on, our effort grew a lot. I’ve still been trying to get them to understand that every little detail counts and always to give max effort,” Carpenter said.

Nevertheless, the season finale was nothing but a minor setback from the greatness of the game’s prior. Deerfield will come back stronger than ever next year.

Written by Isabella Cournyea | Graphic Designed by Isabella Cournyea