Perfectly Present

Camila BrayePathfinderNews

Perfectly Present

Never Miss a Day

There is roughly a total of 180 days (about six months) in the school year for Broward County. The average student will miss about 18 days. However, Deerfield Beach High School senior Alain Huynh has missed zero days since kindergarten. 

Huynh plans to graduate from Deerfield in just a matter of a couple of days and with his time in high school at an end he reflects on all his years at school. For the past 13 years, Alain has attended every one of his classes. 

Alain Huynh’s dedication and values were instilled in him by his parents. In an interview with NBC Miami, Huynh said “They worked hard to make ends meet here, I feel like if I don’t attend school just because I don’t want to, it’s disrespectful to them.”

Huynh’s attendance record is impressive, especially when he spent his junior year online. The pandemic and online school didn’t stop Alain from logging on every day and being present and ready in his classes.

He has realized that free education, no matter how you get it, is something to be grateful for and take advantage of.

Written by Camila Bray  | Graphic Designed by Camila Bray
