Preparing for Finals

ePathfinderFeatureMargeyah DominiqueStacey Martinez

Preparing for Finals

Strategies for effective test-taking

Final exams are just around the corner, leaving unprepared students to cram loads of testing material in hopes of passing. However, whether effective or not, there are better methods that do not come at the cost of sleep.

When test-taking, one’s grade level or field specialty does not necessarily exempt that individual from the preparations needed to succeed. Knowing how to hone specific skills is an efficient way to step in that direction. Many individuals, mainly students, have difficulty finding the motivation and concentration to sit down and study effectively. So, when an opportunity arises or time is out, they resort to skimming the material.

This is often an emergency test preparation strategy, believing it will help to knowledge faster. As a result, students will lose the required amount of sleep to “better” prepare for the exam. On the contrary, studies have shown that people who profoundly absorb tons of information without proper breaks or rest are heavily affected physically, mentally, and emotionally. Stress levels increase, panic arises, and anxiety takes over, making it harder for the student to understand and grasp the material.

Several students feel countless hours of studying all at once is the most fruitful approach. However, there are small steps individuals can take to structure and organize study time. Students will progressively develop the skills that will soon become second nature and will be beneficial in the long run.

Creating a study schedule is one of the crucial steps when it comes to constructing a helpful study routine. Students should take the time to look over their day-to-day life schedule and decide when the most convenient time is to study. Doing so will create a habit that is easier to stick to. To begin, aim for a goal of at least one hour twice a week.

Finding the schedule that best fits an individual will require planning, but putting in the practice of setting aside time will further push a studying habit. Lessening the distractions in one’s designated study area is also vital. People tend to get easily distracted, especially when studying fewer enthralling topics. So, doing things beforehand, such as eating, silencing one’s electronics, and setting firm rules, allows for self-discipline.

If the material seems too overwhelming, making a personal study guide can aid in letting the information sink in for later memorization. Structuring an individual’s testing tool allows the student to customize the material in the way that fits best. Whether it be flashcards, diagrams, or charts, grasping knowledge quickly and simply for an individual is principal.

Deerfield Beach High students have FAST testing, AP exams, IB exams, and EOCs all through May, including finals at the beginning of June. It is wise to begin preparation as soon as possible to practice these studying tips before time runs out. Following and taking test-taking strategies help students obtain exceptional scores that will provide extensive success in the future.

The next time an upcoming exam approaches, it is best not to wait until the last minute to retain the information. Alternatively, practicing and establishing a habit of consistent studying will help improve chances of passing. The process will come much more naturally and ensure a better state of mind.

Written by Margeyah Dominique | Graphic Designed by Stacey Martinez