Preparing for Midterms

ePathfinderFeatureReema ShatherRihanna Damas

Preparing for Midterms

Study Tips for Success

Midterms are rapidly approaching, and students may be at a loss for how to review a semester’s worth of information in a time crunch. It can be exceedingly difficult to study while simultaneously dealing with the stress and anxiety that often accompanies testing. However, many techniques can assist in preparing for exams efficiently.

Finding a comfortable and quiet place to study is essential in getting into the right mindset. While many people try to use their bed as a workplace, it is not always the best idea. A

place where a person sleeps can negatively impact studying because the mind and body associate it with sleep and comfort.

A more effective place to study is at a desk by creating a classroom environment. This helps simulate the experience that a person associates with school and learning. Therefore, creating a productive environment with minimized distractions.

“My room is the best place for me to study,” freshman Channie Nemorin said, “because it’s quiet and allows me to focus.”

A heavily overlooked technique to studying is to space out the material to reduce the likelihood of students cramming the night before a test. With seven midterms given over four days, it can be challenging to create a study plan. However, studying a small amount each day is a perfect strategy.

Spacing out the information you learn and using repetition to reinforce the knowledge is one of the most effective ways to rememorize information. It assists the brain in creating neural connections that strengthen with each repetition. On the other hand, learning four months of coursework in one night will only lead to a loose understanding.

“I feel I have a much better understanding of material when I study a week in advance,” senior Austin Wengrovitz said. “I notice I become more prepared and less stressed.”

Creating a To-Do-list before each study session is another beneficial tactic. An outline of what needs to be accomplished during the session will allow a person to stay on track. It gives a sense of organization and can make the workload seem more manageable. Setting intentions for how much a person wants to accomplish can also help hold a person accountable for their productiveness.

The Pomodoro technique is widely used and decreases mental fatigue. It requires that a person studies for 25 minutes, takes a five-minute break, and repeats the process. It can make the once stressful experience less overwhelming and help maintain motivation.

Studying has further benefits that go beyond achieving good grades. Understanding information before exams increases self-confidence and proficiency. Without reviewing topics learned in school, the knowledge taught would not have a lasting impact on young minds.

“Studying is necessary because it can improve your ability to retain knowledge, transforming yourself into something better,” Freshman Andrew Louima.

Studying is valuable since it offers learners the ability to grow, learn strategies, work under pressure, and expand their knowledge. Implementing useful study tips can create good habits and lead to a more successful academic career.

Written by Reema Shather andRihanna Damas | Graphic Designed by Rihanna Damas