Professional Study Day

ePathfinderIsabella CournyeaMakayla NapoleonNews

Professional Study Day

The mystery behind the missing PSD days

Professional Study Days or PSD Days were known to be a monthly early release in high schools for teachers to get together and propose an extensive curriculum for students in Broward County. Up until the 2022-2023 school year, this has been the case. Now, the amount has been shortened to less than half of the usual count.

Since the start of the year, Broward County has restricted the number of PSD days schools have to every other first Thursday of the month. It caused an uproar amongst the students and the reasoning behind the change remains to be a mystery.

These days were essential for students to get pertinent things done. Not only that, but it also gives students a chance to plan out their schedules accordingly and have some time to acquire volunteer hours. What was the reason for this change?

It has been interpreted that some Professional Study Days were dismissed due to there not being a sufficient amount of educational learning time during school. This can also be connected to why there are now two minutes less passing time and two minutes more classroom time. 

CBA sophomore Carter Briggs says, “It makes me so sad because I love PSD days. It’s unfair because we students get less time to work on our homework and handle our responsibilities.” 

Some think that PSD days were cut back due to Florida’s hurricanes. When there are hurricanes, there is no school, and students must make up for the missed days. So, PSD days might have been shortened so students could make up for the time they missed due to past hurricane seasons. 

Nonetheless, Professional Study Days this year onward will be on November 3rd, February 2nd, and April 6th. That is only 3 out of the 8 months students have left for school. Who knows if students will ever have PSD days every month again? DBHS will have to see this in the coming years.

Written by Makayla Napoleon | Graphic Designed by Isabella Cournyea
