Pumpkin Spice Lover, Over Here

Andrea LandaverdeEntertainmentePathfinder

Pumpkin Spice Lover, Over Here

The Story Behind Your Favorite Spice

Autumn is here and the pumpkin spice lovers can enjoy the pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks and get a taste of this spicy season. But how well do they know about the origin? Sit tightly because you’re about to take a journey through the history of this fall seasoning.  

A main ingredient in the spice is nutmeg. Archeologists have found remains of nutmeg in ceramic pottery shards in one of Indonesia’s islands called Pulau Ay. Pulau Ay was known as one of the “Spice Islands” because it was the only known island back then, that could cultivate nutmeg, recording back at least 3,500 years old.

It would make its trades with its spices and eventually reached Europe after its trips from North Africa and the Middle East. After the people of Europe could not get enough of nutmeg, trade took place between Britain and the Dutch, with the Dutch giving Britain New Amsterdam for the little spice island. 

Pumpkin spice was unheard of till McCormick and company started creating and selling the blend in 1934 to reduce the effort people went through to make the blend. Other companies followed after, but McCormick first named the spice “Pumpkin Pie Spice” and years after the name was abbreviated to be known as “Pumpkin Spice”. 

The blend comprises cinnamon, clove, ginger, nutmeg, and sometimes allspices. Several people may not acknowledge that pumpkin spice does not include pumpkin but recipes from the mid-20th century show that meals did include pumpkin. It does not mean being a pumpkin spice fan has to come to an end because some products and recipes contain pumpkin. Its name originated from the pies and cakes from the mid-20th century that contained pumpkin. 

Many companies have experimented with the blend. Starbucks came out with its “Pumpkin Spice Latte” in 2003, gaining popularity for it and leaving consumers anticipated for its return every fall. When it first came out it did not include pumpkin till 2015 when Starbucks added pumpkin and other toppings like caramel, other spices, and extra sugar. 

Pumpkin spice is one of the popular flavors for this fall, fan or not, it has its origin history. This seasoning is added to numerous products, growing thanks to the people of Pulau Ay.

Written by Andrea Landaverde