Recognizing Excellence in Teaching

Anna MujicaCamila BrayePathfinderNews

Recognizing Excellence in Teaching

DBHS acknowledges Stephanie Beaty as Teacher of the Year

After teaching at Deerfield Beach High School for five years, Stephanie Beaty was recognized for her hard work and was awarded this years ‘Teacher of the Year’.

Beaty began her career as a substitute, without so much as a degree in education. She was unsure of what path to take but found it in her time in the classroom.

“I was inspired to teach young adults about Government and Economics because it became evident to me that they are the future,” Mrs.Beaty said. “I love to give them the knowledge that will be useful outside of the classroom.”

She wants to fuel her passion for teaching by furthering her education. She manages to juggle being a teacher at DBHS while aiming for her master’s degree at a state university.

“I am currently in grad school at the University of Florida, earning my master’s in Education,” Beaty said.

What makes Mrs.Beaty stand out is not only her concern for her students’ grades and education but their mental health as well. She co-founded the Mind-Body Association, an organization at the school that teaches students and staff how to deal with their stress and overall feelings in a healthy way.

“Last year, I saw so many of my students struggling with stress, anxiety, and general feelings of being overwhelmed. Practicing mindfulness myself, I saw the positive impact it had on my anxiety and wanted to share that with my students. Mental health is as important as academics and learning, and our school should be a place that can focus on both,” Mrs. Beaty said.

Encouraged by the help and support from her students, Beaty was able to introduce the Mind-Body Association to the entire school. Teachers and students began taking time at the beginning of every class to take part in this mindfulness activity.

“From the happiest moments of my life, to when I was down and upset, the Mind-Body Association has taught me how to deal with these ups and downs of life,” Co-founder of the Mind-Body Association, senior Malav Patel said.

Aside from being a teacher, she wants to be a good mother and wife and live a life of adventure with her family. Like the rest of us, Beaty has had a difficult time keeping herself and her family safe during the Coronavirus pandemic. But, it’s times like this that she appreciates her students more than ever.

“Teenagers are good reminders that it is ok to laugh when things are tough,” Mrs. Beaty said. “So many of my students have overcome barriers, and I am reminded by them that I can too.”

Mrs. Beaty also leaves a special place in the hearts of her fellow staff members, along with her students. The calm aura she carries is why she is so admirable among her peers, and her passion and hard work are what make her a valuable asset to the DBHS staff team.

“Stephanie Beaty’s charisma and enthusiasm for teaching are what makes her such a great teacher and inspiration to those around her,” principal, Jon Marlow said.

Overall, she is a great teacher loved by her students and staff alike. She truly cares for her students and wants to help them succeed in every aspect of their lives. The welcoming and happy environment she creates in her class led her to be awarded Teacher of the Year

Written by Camila Bray and Ana Mujica
