Recognizing Teachers

Anna MujicaePathfinderFeatureKiet Le

Recognizing Teachers

Deerfield’s Teach of the Year

One of the most prestigious positions at Deerfield Beach High School is the Teacher of the Year. This academic year, the title belongs to Ms. Cristina Cuevas.

“I feel honored to be Teacher of the Year,” Cristina Cuevas said. “My colleagues at DBHS are inspiring and dedicated to their students, so being professionally recognized is humbling.”

Ms. Cuevas is currently an English teacher for upperclassmen. She graduated from college with a degree in English literature and has been working at DBHS for over fifteen years.

Over time, she has realized that her love for English also extends to a love for working with young people. Her approach to teaching is respectful yet firm, and her students benefit from it.

“She always goes out of her way to make class interesting and is very considerate of her students,” senior Ayelem Camargo said.

While some traditional teaching methods prioritize teaching the material in the same manner for every student, Ms. Cuevas emphasizes the importance of taking the time to understand each student’s needs. She sees potential in every student and helps them live up to that potential in a welcoming environment.

“It doesn’t do anyone any good to create an arbitrary standard when every student in my classroom is a unique individual,” Cuevas said. “My students work hard, so I try to encourage them by meeting them at their ability and elevating their skills from there.”

She values her job as an inspiring and motivating teacher. Although she considered other career paths, she is grateful that she took the leap and became a teacher.

“I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend teaching as a profession,” Cuevas said. “Teaching is a demanding and fulfilling job yet undervalued in society.”

Ms. Cuevas’ dedication to the profession and empathy for her students make her an outstanding teacher. It is the qualities of discipline and kindness that students remember and hopefully carry with them.

Written by Anna Mujica | Graphic Designed by Kiet Le