Red Ribbon Week

ePathfinderJulianah Cha PitMario ThomasNews

Red Ribbon Week

Door decorating contest 

People are more likely to become addicted if they try drugs before the age of 21, especially teenagers. Growing minds and bodies are more susceptible to the influence of biochemical changes in the brain caused by substances. Fourteen years old is the average age for first-time use of drugs. At this point, kids start in high school, when venturing into unknown activities seems gravitational to the innocent brain. 

Approximately 1 out of 10 people with addiction began intaking drugs after their teenage years. Means the latter, 9 out of 10 people were in middle school to high school when they first established this pattern. Luckily, if first-time use is delayed by 12-24 months, the chance of addiction drops dramatically. 

Hence, the National Honors Society here at Deerfield Beach High is hosting a Red Ribbon Week drug awareness campaign. The campaign took off this week and includes sharing curriculum and resources with any teachers willing to apply an activity in their classrooms.

As for both students and teachers, support Red Ribbon Week by participating in the Door Decorating Contest. Create a décor with the motto, “Celebrate LIFE, Live Drug-Free.” with any color and design the human imagination can direct. Supplies like bulletin board paper are also provided in the back of the Media Center.

Out-of-the-box ideas are encouraged for door decorations as prizes are forthcoming to the most creative/best doors. 

Many people brush this predicament, but this is a very real issue that deeply connects to mental health within the high school community and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Take in what this motto means and know help is always available with trustworthy friends, families, or the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) national hotline at 1-800-662-4357.

Written by Julianah Cha Pit | Graphic Designed by Mario Thomas
