Reflection and Preparation

Camila BrayePathfinderSports

Reflection and Preparation

The Wrestling Team Reaches Regional Playoffs

Deerfield Beach High’s wrestling team has made it through the regular season with a record of 4-9. The team was able to fill eight of the fourteen weight classes, putting them at a disadvantage when going into matches. 

Even with them not doing so well during the season, Coach Mark Gadson thinks that they did an overall good job, especially with the current circumstances of the team.

“Overall, I would say the whole year was good only because we didn’t have any returners or any guys with experience, so we started from scratch with people who have never played the sport before,” Gadson said.  

Sophomore wrestler Trevon Chisolm had a similar outlook on the team’s performance this season. He thinks that, with an inexperienced team, the Bucks performed well this season.

“The majority of us are beginners on the team, but a lot of us have been winning against people at the same skill level or higher than us,” Chisolm said. 

Throughout the season, Coach Gadson realized that the team needed to work on the mental aspect of wrestling because they are not always mentally strong during practices and matches. He also makes sure that he has a great relationship with his wrestlers off the mat. 

Sophomore Donovan Campbell went into the season intending to be a state qualifier or Most Valuable Player. As of now, he thinks that he plays well but can work on certain things to win more matches. 

“I think I have performed well so far. I feel like I’m too nice. I’m not aggressive enough and, that’s where I lose, and the person overpowers me,” Campbell said.

Along with other DBHS wrestlers, sophomores Mark Fletcher and Adon Julien recently won at the district level but lost at the regional tournaments.

“Our team and I can only go up from where we are right now, and our performance can only go up as the year and years progress,” Campbell said.

With such a young roster, Deerfield will look to make an even deeper playoff push next year.

Written by Khamaine Dorsainrre | Graphic Designed by Camila Bray