August 10, 2024 2024-08-11 9:59Registration

Administrative Support Assistant | Margarita Porter | 754.322.0667 | Email
New Student Registration
Deerfield Beach High School is offering New Students Registration for the 2024-2025 Academic School Year. Counselors will be available Monday – Friday (9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.) to help with paperwork and course card selections.
**NOTE: There will be Clerical Staff available in the School Counseling Office for new registration during summer break, Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.
For additional assistance, parents can call 754.322.0667.
**NOTE: This process is not for:
Current students: as they should meet with a School Counselor for course selections
Zoned ninth grade students: as information will rollover from the feeder middle school
Magnet/choice students: C.B.A., I.B. and U.T.A.P. students registered through each magnet office with acceptance into program
Broward County's Checklist for Enrollment of Students K-12
B.C.P.S. Checklist Flyer will help the registration process go as smoothly as possible while following School Board Policy 5.1 (amended 6/15/16)
Boundary School
Find out if Deerfield Beach High School is assigned to your home address using Find My School Locator. Parents must provide their specific street address and their child’s grade level, and the app will determine the correct school their child is supposed to attend.
Proof of Residence
Submit current proofs of residence from the table below, based upon your type of residence
If you OWN or RENT your residence:
• Submit one document from both Columns A and B
If you SHARE the housing of another person who owns/rents the home:
• Both the registering parent and owner/renter of the residence complete a notarized Affidavit of Shared Residence Form on Broward County Public Schools’ student registration page,
• The owner/renter of the residence must submit one document from both Columns A and B; and,
• The registering parent must submit two documents from Column B.
If you answer “yes” to certain residency questions on the Student Registration Form you may qualify for the Homeless Education Resource Assistance Team (Homeless Education ProgramHEART) under the McKinney-Vento Act.
• The school will provide a referral to the district’s Homeless Education Liaison and, if qualified, the student will be eligible for immediate services.
• Students registered under the McKinney-Vento Act must re-enroll each school year.
All documents must be current, valid, and include the residential address used for enrollment.
Evidence of Age
Submit one form of verification of the student’s age:
1. Official Birth Certificate, if available. If such certificate is not available, the following forms of evidence are acceptable:
a. Religious Record, A bona fide contemporary religious record of the child’s birth accompanied by an affidavit sworn to by the parent.
b. Insurance Policy, An insurance policy on the child’s life, which has been in force for at least two years.
c. Passport, A passport or certificate of arrival in the U.S. showing the age of the child.
NOTE: Under no circumstances shall staff request a passport, visa, or any other documentation to verify the immigration status of any student.
d. Transcript, A transcript of record of age shown in the child’s school record of at least four years prior to application, stating date of birth.
e. Sworn Affidavit, An affidavit sworn to by the parent, accompanied by a certificate of age signed by a public health officer or by a licensed practicing physician, which states that the health officer or physician has examined the child and believes the age as stated in the affidavit is substantially correct.
Evidence of Medical Examination
Students enrolling in a Florida public school for the first time must submit evidence of a medical examination performed within the twelve months prior to the initial enrollment.
Proof of Immunization
Submit a Florida Certificate of Immunization Form (Form DH 680) on Broward County Public Schools’
• Immunizations Your Child Needs For School Entry
• The Florida Department of Health annually publishes the required immunizations in a state publication titled, “Immunization Guidelines: Florida Schools, Child Care Facilities and Family Day Care Homes.”
• Students may attend school without a Florida Certificate of Immunization if they have a:
• Religious Exemption (Form DH 681)
• Temporary Exemption (Form DH 680, Part B)
• Medical Exemption (Form DH680, Part C)
• Temporary exemptions are also issued for the following situations:
• Students transferring interstate: A child who transfers into a Florida school from another state.
• Students transferring intrastate: A child who transfers into a new county to attend class.
• A homeless child: A homeless child, as defined in section 228.041, Florida Statutes.
• Juvenile justice: A child who enters the juvenile justice system.
• Military children: A military child as defined in 1000.36, Florida Statutes.
Evidence of Custody/Guardianship
If the student is residing with someone other than the parent or legal guardian, the following provisions shall apply:
1. If the parent lives within the tri-county area (Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach), the parent must provide documentation of custody by an appropriate state agency such as the Department of Children and Families or the court. Applications for temporary custody of minor children by extended family can be obtained at the family unit office in the Broward County courthouse.
2. If a parent lives within the tri-county area and the student lives in a residence licensed by the Department of Children and Families, the student may be registered and enrolled in the school that serves that licensed residence.
3. If the parent lives outside the tri-county area (Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach), the school will accept a notarized statement from the parent identifying the person assuming responsibility for the supervision of the child.
School Records
• Submit the most recent report card and/or transcript needed for appropriate grade level placement; or,
• Complete a Release of Information Form and your school will request the appropriate educational records from all previous educational programs.
* Schools have the right to verify any information provided by the student and/or the student’s parent(s). A student whose parent(s) submit fraudulent information in an attempt to attend a school to which the student is not assigned shall be immediately withdrawn by the school and must be registered and enrolled in the appropriate boundary school. Whoever knowingly makes a false statement in writing with intent to mislead a public servant in the performance of his or her official duty, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable by law (F.S. 837.06) or guilty of perjury by false written declaration, a felony of the third degree (F.S. 92.525).
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