Reinventing Your Style

ePathfinderFeatureJazmine Worell Bazile

Reinventing Your Style

Finding a Style That Fits You

Modern society is bursting with new forms of self-expression, and fashion is a significant part of the movement. Dozens of various aesthetics crowd the streets and bring cities to life. But in a sea of styles, figuring out the right one might be overwhelming. Finding a personal style that fits and feels comfortable seems challenging, but all it needs is a direction in mind.

Finding inspiration is the first place to start. Fashion websites, blogs, and social media can offer countless resources for different styles. Pinning favorite clothes of celebrities or models online can identify the general aesthetic of interest. It is good to note a pattern of outfits -such as a liking for denim or leather- to look for when shopping.

Websites such as Pinterest can be more than cooking recipes and project ideas. They are essential for finding the style that clicks. Compositing pins of desired clothing into one board helps establish the overall vibe to emanate. It is wise to take advantage of the internet’s vast resources for developing inspiration and organization.

However, garnering information and ideas is not confined to the web. Flipping through a fashion magazine or talking to friends or family about a fancied style can be equally constructive. Observing the way they put their outfits together is crucial to figure out preferences.

Out with the old, in with the new -when it comes to clothing, the same applies. Unworn and outdated clothes take up closet space that can instead store a refreshed collection of fashion. Sorting through clothes helps organize the keepers and what these clothes have in common. It also makes the process of putting together the style less daunting.

Creating the concept comes with exploration. Start simple by putting together a few dependable outfits and accessorizing. Alternatively, get adventurous and experiment with different color and pattern combinations. Whether trying accessories to emphasize masculinity or playing with bold color palettes, mixing it up can help one break out of the comfort zone.

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way of expressing oneself through clothing. Defining and constructing a personal style takes patience. It is important to pace and organize oneself in the process. The effort is worth it all to flourish in that perfect style in the end

Written by Jazmine Worrell-Bazile  | Graphic Designed by Jazmine Worrell-Bazile