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The safety and security of Deerfield Beach High’s students, staff and school remain the highest priorities for Broward County Public Schools. We encourage everyone to ‘say something if you see something’ because the safety of our schools is the collective responsibility of the entire community.

To ensure the safety of the students and staff of Deerfield Beach High School, the school has implemented procedures and techniques involving students, teachers, and administration.

Parents and students can report tips in a number of ways:

1. Call (754) 321-0911

2. Text SBBC with a tip to 274637 (CRIMES)

3. Email a concern to

4. Submit an electronic tip at

5. SaferWatch mobile app at

6. FortifyFL mobile app at GetFortifyFL

BCPS sent out English, Spanish, Portuguese and Creole letters about reporting suspicious activities through anonymous tip line for reporting potential school threats or other school-related safety and security concerns.

[wow_title text=”Alyssa’s Alert”]

Alyssa’s Alert website is a mobile duress alert application through the SaferWatch mobile app that empowers staff members to immediately notify first responders in the event of an emergency. Receive potentially life-saving aid with the push of a button.

To learn more about the app click here.

[wow_title text=”FortifyFL”]

FortifyFL website explains it is designed to help students and parents announce suspicious activity instantly to the school and law enforcement. It was created and funded by the 2018 Florida Legislature as part of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act.

The application was named by students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The Office of Attorney General, Department of Education and Florida Department of Law Enforcement coordinated its development and roll-out.

[wow_title text=”Hallway passes”]

• First fifteen and last fifteen minutes of class students should not be getting hallway passes. Students have eight minutes in between classes for any miscellaneous errands or rest breaks they may need.

• Students will not have any pass privileges if they do not have their 2023-2024 Student I.D. Badge.

• Teachers are asked to limit hallway passes to roughly 2 to 4 per quarter.

• If a student is gone for more than 5 minutes without permission then the teacher should take appropriate action with classroom interventions.

[wow_title text=”Safety and Security”]

• Weekly security meetings are held to discuss the status of the school and what improvements should be made.

• Teachers are asked to keep the doors locked at all times.

• All students, staff, and visitors at Deerfield Beach High School are required to wear identification badges at all times while on campus or while attending a school-sponsored event.

RISE program will also have weekly meetings to discuss the effectiveness and give administrative assistance.

• Teachers are directed NOT to kick kids out of class for disciplinary reasons. Security can be called and students will be escorted to the office with a referral. Teachers are required to use classroom intervention for disruptive students such as, having a discussion with the student, detention, parent phone call and partnering with another teacher for the student to sit in a class for the rest of the period. Teachers are to remember that they are the Instructional Leader in the classroom. They set the tone of the class and make it engaging.

• NO Uber Eats or food being dropped off. This is a district mandate. Security has been confiscating food deliveries from students and at the end of the day, giving them back.

[wow_title text=”School Environmental Safety Incident Reporting”]

The SESIR System currently collects data on 26 incidents of crime, violence, and disruptive behaviors that occur on school grounds, on school transportation, and at off-campus, school-sponsored events, during any 24-hour period, 365 days per year.

Incidents are reported by schools to the districts which, in turn, provide the data to the DOE. Per F.S. 1002.20, parents of public-school students have a right to access school safety and discipline incidents as reported pursuant to s. 1006.07(9).  To view the state reported discipline data:

– District total 

– School total 

School Environmental Safety Incident Reporting data is posted on the Florida Department of Education’s website along with Broward County Public School’s website.