Safety in Belonging

ePathfinderJose JimenezNews

Safety in Belonging

The enforcement of ID badges

It is that time again when the school’s faculty members and administration set rules for the use of ID badges for both teachers and students. Whether students like it or not, the administration will take this obligation very seriously and ask everyone to wear their ID badges on campus.

Many students share a common fondness for disliking their ID photos, which is enough for them to forget about it throughout the day. In addition, the question of necessity is constantly challenged between students and teachers. After years of dismissing this struggle, it is final that ID badges won’t be seen as “souvenirs” for this 2023-2024 school year at Deerfield Beach High School.

“There are a couple of different reasons for having an ID badge,” says DBHS Principal Jon Marlow. “It makes students easily identifiable and keeps our campus safe.”

For students who happen to be missing their IDs due to losing or destroying them, they can get it replaced in Student Affairs; located in corridor 130. The first two replacements will be free, then the cost becomes two dollars.

The school’s administrators are pushing students to wear their ID badges to promote the safety of students and help students become more responsible.

“We’re trying to have students understand that it is the responsible thing to do, and it is a behavior that will be expected of students when they get to college and the workforce,” says Mr. Marlow.

The DBHS ID badge consists of a picture of the student, their first and last name, grade level, and a bar code. These are used for quick identification especially while in the lunch line. On the back, there’s a number for Suicide Prevention Resources which can provide great help in serious mental health matters not just for students, but for people around them. With the help of IDs, security can also identify who may not be a student at the school during active hours.

All students are urged to wear their assigned ID for safety reasons. This rule has been made non-negotiable by the administration and will be checked by first period teachers. Students should already have at least two available free IDs; one with last year’s photo and one with the recent photo.

Written by Jose Jimenez Graphic Designed by Jose Jimenez
