Saying Thank You to Marlow

Angel SantiagoePathfinderPerspectives

Saying Thank You to Marlow

Relieving Principal Marlow’s memories throughout the years

After working 30 years in the education field and 15 years at Deerfield Beach High School, Principal Jon Marlow has decided to say farewell to students and staff. It has been a long journey, but now Principal Marlow is moving up in the world, obtaining a higher job in the district. Even though he is leaving, he does have a few unforgettable moments with the school.

“My first senior year graduation ceremony. Standing in front of all those students and sending them off to their secondary schools to make something of themselves was my proudest moment.” Principal Marlow said. “Just providing them with educational support throughout their four years then watching go and grow is something I’ll never forget.” He also said.

Throughout the years, Principal Marlow has formed many friendships. Always wanting to connect with his students and staff, Marlow made sure everyone was having fun. Seeing people walk in with laughs, smiles and simply just enjoying themselves at Deerfield Beach High School was high number one priority.

When asked what separates Deerfield Beach High School from all the other schools in Broward County, Principal Marlow said, “The diversity most of all. From all the different programs we offer to the students that attend here it brings a new perspective. We have students from all around the world. The individuality is great.” For 15 years, Principal Marlow has been the stepping stone for all of this to happen. He has helped the school bloom into what it is today.

Programs such as Mentoring Tomorrow’s Leaders, College Tour, and After School have all been things started by Principal Marlow for students, hoping they will continue to put them to use and grow them beyond what he did.

Thank you for 15 years of hard work and dedication Principal Marlow, all students and staff appreciate the hard work that was put into Deerfield Beach High School in that timespan. Everyone loves and will miss you.

Written by Angel Santiago | Graphic Designed by Edith Lopez-Andres