Schedule Access

Headlines and Happenings of Deerfield Beach High School by the award winning Pathfinder Newspaper, a product of the CBA Magnet Program.

Schedule Access

Student schedules are now available on Virtual Counselor starting on Friday, August 12, 2022.

1. Log on to BCPS’s Single Sign On Launchpad

● Click log in with active directory

●  The password for Broward’s SSO Launchpad sign in the format is:

a. Login is student (

b. Password is “P”birthday: (PMM/DD/YYYY)

●  Click Virtual Counselor Tile

Clever Tiles showing Virtual

2. Log on to Virtual Counselor

●  The password for Virtual Counselor sign in the format is:

a. Login is student number: 06XXXXXXXX (Your Number)

b. Password is without P:  Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)

2. Once on to Virtual Counselor

●  Go to STUDENT INFO and select Student Schedule

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