Seeking Higher Education

ePathfinderIvy GarciaPerspectives

Seeking Higher Education

Is it worth it?

Going from high school to college is a big step into adulthood and could be one of the most nerve-wracking steps in a young adult’s life. Although, deciding to take that route is completely optional and many still choose to decide later on. There’s often the pressure of deciding on time or the fear of failing in life. But even if some may not always go into the career path they imagined, college doesn’t always guarantee that success either.

“Originally, I did not plan on going into education but now that I’m here, I needed a degree to have this job,” said DBHS Communications and Broadcast Arts (CBA) teacher, Ms. Vanessa Ragnarsson.

Depending on what a graduate may decide to do in life, a diploma is deemed beneficial, but at other times acquiring a job straight after high school or going to a trade school could be the better option.

“I think college is expensive and an investment. I think that was the only real downside because you’re now having to pay that back. But having the degree will get you a better job, and you shouldn’t have a problem paying that back “, said Ms. Ragnarsson.

This is true when considering going to college and the future but, there are ways to avoid debts and student loans like applying for scholarships and grants. Along with early admissions and dual enrollment during high school years. These are all great solutions to bring down the cost of student debt.

On the other hand, there is the possibility of chance. There are many successful people that lack a college degree. Idols like Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey never graduated college. Yet, they stand as one some of the top richest entrepreneurs in the world. Of course, this doesn’t just happen without experience and knowledge. These men developed softwares that took long hard-earned hours of work with a minimal budget, workspace, and limited resources. It goes to show that the decision of saying no to college comes with immense focus and confidence in the result.

“I decided to have the full-blown college experience. I was away from home, and it was really interesting to have that freedom. I made a lot of friends, and I got to experience things like actual adult life. So, I think I was able to mature,” said Ms. Ragnarsson.

Nonetheless college is highly encouraged in this society and can be the perfect in-between for adolescence. It allows students to network in their future field of work and forge meaningful connections that could benefit them. It can also open doors financially because of the degree pursued. It has its pros and cons but it’s up to personal goals that really determine the right path.

Written by Ivy Garcia | Graphic Designed by Ivy Garcia