Senior Agenda

ePathfinderJulianah Cha PitNews

Senior Agenda

See what’s in store for the graduating class of 2022

As this school year ends so does the high school experience for seniors. But that is the prime reason why the fun has just begun, which is just what seniors deserve.

Deerfield Beach High recently started by giving seniors a Grad Bash with the opportunity of going to Universal Studios on April 2nd. Followed by a senior luncheon at the Hillsboro Technology Center on April 14 which has a $52 admission to be paid online.

To honor and share the accomplishments seniors have proudly achieved not only this 2021-2022 school year but throughout the past four years, a Senior Awards Ceremony is being held on May 19th to receive acceptance letters, award offers, institutional, merit, and local scholarships. For any questions, students can see Ms. Denise Cruz, BRACE Advisor.

To add on to the excitement, DBHS is officially having their annual Prom Night. The event every senior has been looking forward to. Fashion, suits, dresses, dates, corsages and more. All happening on May 21st. Seniors and their dates will dress to impress their classmates one last time.

Seniors are of course still in school and exam week is one of the obligations every student must endure. For seniors, this is from May 24 to their last day stepping foot in Deerfield Beach High, the 27th.

May is a fairly busy month for these students, but not to worry, graduation is coming up June 6 with rehearsals on June 3. Every student will start with four tickets for admission to the ceremony but the students who show up early or on time to rehearsals will score an extra ticket. This is a Mandatory rehearsal at 9:00 am in the gymnasium. Seat assignments will be posted on the walls and Canvas for seniors to look at. 3 days after, at 6:30 PM is when students must arrive at Nova Southeastern University and receive their diplomas and continue to college.

Written by Julianah Cha Pit | Graphic Designed by Julianah Cha Pit
