Senior Parent Meeting

Camila BrayePathfinderNews

Senior Parent Meeting

On Tuesday, January 12th, a virtual senior parent meeting was held for select Deerfield Beach High School seniors and parents to inform them of everything needed to be done for them to graduate on time. The meeting was held through Microsoft Teams and led by a group of presenters: Charlotte Jackson, the school advisor; Denise Cruz, the BRACE advisor; and Michele Eade, the testing coordinator.

The group presented a series of powerpoints covering the requirements for each student to graduate. Seniors have a list of requirements they must accomplish if they want to graduate with the rest of their classmates. Each graduation requirement was listed and explained during the meeting, including GPA requirements and class courses that students must complete.

Seniors must have a minimum of a 2.0 GPA and 40 hours of community service to graduate. Other requirements are passing the 10th grade ELA FSA or SAT reading and writing test with a 430/24 score, the Algebra 1 EOC or earning a comparative score on the math PERT test, and passing the EOC exams for Geometry, U.S History, and Biology. Course credits that all seniors must have are four English and Math credits, three science and social studies credits, one fine & performing arts credit, one PE credit, eight elective credits, and one online course credit.

To help students graduate on time, DBHS has registered these select seniors for the ACT on March 2nd and the SAT on March 3rd. The school is paying the cost for both exams and has given these students extra time to complete the test. A survey will be sent to their Canvas inbox, asking if they are willing to come to the school campus to complete the test.

To inform students who are missing some requirements, the school has mailed out a three-page detailed letter about missing credits, testing information, and any additional information the family may need. The letters should be arriving by Friday, January 15th.

Denise Cruz, the BRACE advisor, had a lot to tell students. She reminded seniors about forms they must fill out and the deadline to do so, as well as information about programs to assist them in high school and the afterlife of high school. Some programs include Naviance Navigation, Post-Secondary Education Preparation, and Technical Education. Students can also prepare for life after high school by participating in internships, college and job fairs, SAT and ACT preparation workshops, searching for scholarships and opportunities for community service hours, and building their resumes.

There is a lunch application on the Broward County Public Schools website. Once students fill it out, a disclosure form will pop up. This form alerts their high school about which colleges and universities can receive the student’s information. Filling this form out allows students to receive test waivers and exposes students to different colleges and universities. Students must have this done as soon as possible because the application takes three to ten days to process.

BRACE also provides information for life after high school, such as financial aid applications, scholarships, internships, college/job fairs, and resume/workforce help. To be a part of the Remind App group chat, students can use the code @gobucks21c. Ms. Cruz created the Remind to help students and keep them up to date with announcements. Students can also email her with any questions they have or help they need.

On the school website,, there is a tab for seniors that gives them a calendar of all upcoming events and graduation information. The calendar is a great way to plan out everything that needs to be done and by the necessary deadline. If anyone needs help with anything, students can always email their assistant principal or guidance counselor with any additional questions.

Written by Camila Bray | Graphic Designed by Camila Bray
