Serving The Community

ePathfinderFeatureJadyn BosketJulianah Cha Pit

Serving The Community

Volunteer opportunities in Key Club

Community service hours are incorporated into Deerfield Beach High School’s curriculum to support its people. While there are several ways of reaching the 40-hour quota outside of school, DBHS’ Key Club offers several opportunities within its walls. Students can find a multitude of engaging activities throughout events that provide service hours, support organizations, and help gain experience in a variety of skills.

Key Club is an international, student-led organization that helps provide its members with opportunities to perform service, build character, and develop leadership. Members meet every Thursday in the media center at 2:45 p.m. to engage in various events for service hours. The club also provides resources for other events in the Deerfield community that will help them throughout high school and after. These projects include craft-making, picking up trash around the school, and organizing food, clothes, or books to donate.

“I have way more service hours than needed to graduate and I know different organizations that I can always rely on for different things,” Key Club president Savannah Wilkes said. “I would recommend for every student at DBHS to join Key Club because of the service hours, friendships, and leadership skills that I have gained over the years that they can also gain by being in this club.”

Students can also volunteer on Saturdays to assist in fun events throughout the city in shifts that usually provide 3-4 hours each. A December project included the Ocean Way event in Deerfield Beach, where some students dressed as holiday figures and took pictures with residents while others assisted at a s’more station. There is a plethora of engaging activities that bring members together, support their community, and earn service experience along the way.

“The events are so much fun, especially when you have friends volunteering for the same ones,” junior Key Club member Kishana Jean-Louis said.

Key Club is an efficient way of meeting the community service requirement for graduation. They are also provided frequently and informed to members during meetings, which provides an hour for participation. Social skills also improve by engaging in events through communication with new people and learning how to work in a team, which are especially essential for post-educational pursuits.

“Key Club is a wonderful opportunity for students to become active members in their community and learn about skills involving team building, leadership, and services,” Key Club vice president Sakeef Ahmed said.

DBHS presents various clubs to its students, with Key Club standing out as a significant way of aiding others and attaining hours in return. Membership offers a myriad of opportunities for students to become active members of their community and improve necessary skills for adulthood. Individuals are benefitted and are supported through every project, creating a better environment around the city.

Written by Jadyn Bosket | Graphic Designed by Julianah Cha Pit