Silenced By the Government

ePathfinderMario ThomasNews

Silenced By the Government

African American studies banned in schools

In the upcoming 2023-2024 school year, hundreds of high schools across the United States will introduce a new course to their classrooms, Advanced Placement (AP) African American Studies. However, Florida high schools will not be able to do the same.

African American Studies is an academic field that studies the history, culture, and politics of African Americans. The College Board announced in 2021 that they will be introducing an AP African American Studies course to American high schools in the 2023-2024 school year, with a plan to launch worldwide in the fall of 2024.

On January 12th, 2023, The Florida Department of Education (FDOE) sent a letter to the College Board explaining that the proposed course violated Florida state law. The FDOE’s reason for rejecting the class was the course’s lack of “educational value and historical accuracy”.

By February 1st, 2023, the College Board released a new and revised course framework that by no coincidence removed or de-emphasized over 20 topics that the Florida state government objected to, including the Governor, Ron DeSantis.

These changes were seen as being unnecessary or too much. Organizations like the National Black Justice Coalition stated that these changes removed integral parts of African American history from the

course. In reply, the College Board CEO, David Coleman, has been asked to step down after being accused of succumbing to political pressure and not caring about Floridian children being properly and accurately educated.

For what this means to Deerfield Beach High School, no AP African American Studies course will be coming to Deerfield. However, students can take the offered African American History course at DBHS. It is an elective course taught by teacher Cora Walls. If students are interested in taking the course, they may put it on their course selection card.

Time will tell if the College Board and Florida state will agree on bringing AP African American studies back to Floridian schools.

Written by Mario Thomas | Graphic Designed by Mario Thomas
