Single Day Awareness 

ePathfinderFeatureRaedyn MurphyWidelandine Emilcar

Single Day Awareness 

The celebration of being single  

The origins of Single Awareness Day (S.A.D) are unclear, and many people are not aware of this tradition, which contrasts with the widespread recognition of Valentine’s Day. S.A.D. is slowly becoming popular and spreading across the globe.

Although it’s an unofficial holiday, Single Awareness Day is celebrated on February 15 in the United States, the day after Valentine’s Day. Single Awareness Day’s main origin in the United States began in the late 1990s. Giving single people an opportunity to focus on self-care and treat themselves, as Valentine’s Day is primarily a celebration for couples. In the United States, friends meet up and celebrate with each other. Many take solo adventures and do activities that do not require a partner. 

The single awareness day is honored in many other countries on different dates. South Korea observes Black Day on April 14. Many celebrate it by eating jjajangmyeon, a Korean noodle dish in black bean sauce. In addition, some dress in all black, and companies advertise match-making events. On November 11, Single Day is celebrated in China. This holiday began at a Chinese university in 1993 and was originally known as Bachelor Day. People in China mainly celebrate by purchasing gifts, leading to massive online shopping sprees. Single Day has become one of the largest online shopping events, similar to Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

“I personally like to spend Valentine’s Day alone, Said DBHS freshman Antonio Lovelace. I can see why someone would want to celebrate a day like that.”

Single Awareness Day is celebrated on various dates around the world, but its core message remains the same.  It serves as a reminder to individuals who are not in a relationship that they are important and worthy. The day encourages people to treat themselves with kindness and to recognize the value of self-love and personal fulfillment.

Written by Widelandine Emilcar  | Graphic Designed by Raedyn Murphy