Singled Out

ePathfinderJade JenkinsPerspectives

Singled Out

Should there be more single gender schools?

Single-gender schools have been up for debate for years, initially created for the distinct lifestyle boys and girls have lived before. However, over the years, the gender divide has been on a rapid decline. Although, the use of these schools can still prove to be beneficial.

While these schools have become irrelevant for the reason of their creation, they can still be helpful when it comes to social senses. Although the social aspect may appear less crucial for lower grade levels, for higher grade levels, it allows students to be around others experiencing similar changes, both emotionally and physically. It surrounds students with people who can relate to them and their issues, which can comfort them. This comfort will help build open and honest relationships with people they might meet later.

Some students could argue the opposite, “Teenagers are hormonal so I feel like an exclusive school would create an imbalance for boys especially with short tempers and fights,” said Deerfield Beach High School freshman Jeffrey Paz.

Same-sex schools also come with some educational benefits. Society predicted boys and girls have different learning preferences; for example, boys often needed to be spoken to at a louder volume to grasp the information teachers taught them. Another example comes down to the temperature in the room. Girls work best in warmer environments, and boys work best in an environment around 5 degrees colder than their female peers. These minor differences can have huge effects when it comes down to their academic scores and results. With these methods used in single-gender schools, the students can excel at subjects, boosting test scores and allowing more students to pass on to the following grade.

Nevertheless, an all-boys or all-girls school could be beneficial and help the students in a way that might not be achievable in a multi-gender school despite contrary beliefs. Students who attend are socially more advanced and have better chances in school, leading to many successful careers. If students consider their goals and aspirations in life, they might decide that single-gender schools should be prominent within the education system.

Written by Jade Jenkins | Graphic Designed by Jade Jenkins