Striving for Better Health

ePathfinderFeatureJazmine Worell Bazile

Striving for Better Health

Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep

Over the years, the quality of sleep for society as a whole has decreased. Sleep has become so overlooked that it is largely ignored today. Even though teens and adults are recommended to sleep for about eight hours each night, more than 40 percent of the US population does not meet that standard. A good night’s sleep is what individuals should strive for, as it is crucial for every aspect of their lives.

Sleep plays a major role in health, which is one of the most important areas of life. Sleep-deprived people tend to be at higher risk for heart attacks, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Sleeping for eight hours regulates metabolism, so lack of sleep also plays a part in weight gain. The more sleep you get, the less weight you gain and the stronger your immune system becomes.

The inability to concentrate on simple tasks during the day is another side effect of too little sleep. A lack of sleep negatively impacts basic brain functioning, which includes cognition, productivity, and performance. Getting a good night’s sleep can help enhance problem-solving skills as well as improve your memory. We use sleep as a way to process and retain memories we make during the day.

Sleep is also both a stress reliever and a mood booster. It becomes more challenging to approach events rationally or control emotions when running on little sleep. Social cues and other emotional information are also affected by poor sleep, which can be stressful on relationships. A good night’s sleep can strengthen relationships, make you less likely to get hung up on trivial things, and make you feel more relaxed.

As one of the pillars of health, not getting enough sleep can be dangerous, leading to a greater likelihood of serious accidents and injuries. Regardless of how you sleep, attempting to get at least eight hours every night is a good start. The amount of shut-eye you get may be vital, but the quality of sleep is just as essential. Having a peaceful environment in which you can fall asleep easily with no outside distractions is a significant improvement.

Written by Jazmine Worrell-Bazile  | Graphic Designed by Jazmine Worrell-Bazile