Student Buses | Transportation
August 3, 2024 2024-11-19 12:09Student Buses | Transportation

Students arrive to and from school via various modes of transportation. Deerfield Beach High School encourages students to arrive to school on time no matter how they get to campus.
B.C.P.S. Student Bus Services
Bus route assignment information is only available on Focus Parent Portal as printed bus passes are not required to board the school bus on the first day of school.
- After a Focus Parent Portal account is created:
- Select child’s name in the left menu pane
- Select child info
- Select Transportation
- After a Focus Parent Portal account is created:
All students living more than two miles from assigned schools (pursuant to Section F.S. 1006.21, Florida Statutes). With certain exceptions, student transportation is the responsibility of the parent for those students living less than two miles from a school.
Register 2 Ride is open for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year must register for a bus assignment through this link.
1) Select the school year you would like to register for
2) Log in with a student account, e.g:
3) Answer the question(s)
4) Press Submit to complete. Students may return to the form at any point before the deadline to update their answer.
Parents are now able to track their child’s bus by the Here Comes The Bus app:
Sign Up Instructions for Parents:
- Download Here Comes the Bus app or click here.
- Click “Sign Up”, then click “Continue”.
- Click “I have the Code”.
- Enter your email address, First Name, Last Name and School District Code (87599).
*Accept the Terms and Conditions, then click “Continue”. - Press Confirm the district displayed is “Broward County Public Schools”.
- Create your password. Repeat your password. Press “Confirm Password” on the screen when complete.
- If successful, you will be directed to the Thank You screen. At that time, please check your email inbox for an email from
- Open this email and click the “Activate My Account” link. Once completed, close the browser. You may now open the app and sign in with your email address and newly created password.
There are over 1,000 school buses used by Broward District Schools on daily routes, transporting more than 73,000 students to and from school, and driving more than 16 million miles to over 234 locations.
- Routes | 1000 – 1999 | North Area Transportation Terminal | 754.321.4000
- Routes | 2000 – 2999 | Central Area Transportation Terminal | 754.321.4480
- Routes | 3000 – 3999 | South Area Transportation Terminal | 754.321.4100
- Routes | 4000 – 4999 | Central West Transportation Terminal | 754.321.4150
- Routes | 5000 – 5999 | South West Transportation Terminal | 754.321.8025
*Buses leave the Deerfield Beach High School campus promptly at 2:50pm. Unless it is an early release or professional study bell schedule.
Any bus concerns, e-mail the following administrative assistant for help:
Parent Pick-up & Drop-Off
Parents wishing to drive their child to school between 7:00 a.m. – 7:50 a.m. and/or 2:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. can enter from the North side of Deerfield Beach High School. The gate off Buck Pride Way, near Butler Stadium will open at 7:00 a.m. and/or 2:30 p.m. As a student should never be dropped off in any area used by the B.C.P.S. bus system.
*After 7:50 a.m., arrivals will be re-directed to Front Parking entry point.
When entering the loop, do not stop in the red zone to pick-up or drop-off students. This is not a loading and unloading zone. Stopping here is a major cause of the backups that occur in the loop and on Buck Pride Way. Please do not drop off students outside the gates, as loading or unloading in this area may subject you to a $100 fine. Also the front entrance and student parking lot, off of NE 5th Terrace, are not locations to drop-off or pick-up students.
• Turn right (east) on Buck Pride Way, stay in right turn lane
• Turn right (south) after Butler Stadium into first set of school gates
• Turn left (east) at Butler Stadium ticket booth
• Drop your child off at the sidewalk
• Proceed back to Buck Pride Way
• Turn only right (east) onto Buck Pride Way
Slowly exit the lot, being mindful that other parents are delivering their children, and teachers are arriving at school and parking in that back lot
*No student should arrive at the school before 7:00 a.m., as Deerfield Beach High does not offer supervision until 7:00 a.m.
Student Drivers
Those upperclassman who drive to and from school are required to park in the student parking lot; access gates are off Buck Pride Way or NE 5th Terrace which will open at 7:00 a.m. and/or 2:35 p.m. They must park in the student parking lot and may not park on neighborhood streets.
Students who do not follow this rule will be issued a detention, as student parking is a privilege at Deerfield Beach High School. The cost to park in the student lot is $60. Download the Parking Permit Application and submit the form to Security Specialist Mr. Noble. Students must be at least 16 years of age with a valid drivers license.
Student Dismissal without a Guardian on campus
Learn more about the School Board of Broward County policies on this link, they are presented as a convenience and are available to the public. The Policies have been reformatted to PDF for use on the Internet; physical appearance may differ from that of the certified versions thereof on file in the office of Official School Board Records.
Those who drive to and from school have the ability to be signed out from school with permission from the student’s parent/guardian. Download and complete the Student Authorized Release form and return it to Welcome Center. The form MUST be notarized prior to being turned in.
*The student parking lot gate will be open at 7:00 a.m. and will close promptly at 7:50 a.m. Any student who arrives late will need to check-in at the Welcome Center before entering the student parking lot.
Students who ride bicycles to school are requested to lock their bicycles up by portable (1) One along the fence line.
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