Students Embracing Creativity

ePathfinderFeatureKyrah JamesStacey Martinez

Students Embracing Creativity

A deeper look into the art club

Granting the opportunity to express creativity and showcase artistic talent is the creed of Deerfield Beach High School’s art club. Run by Mr. Traxler and Mrs. Sachs, students liven the 250 corridor in authenticity with a handful of creative projects throughout the school year. The club’s list of members is currently at capacity, but its activities will be open again next year to students interested.

Art Club meetings are held on Wednesdays at 2:40 pm in the 250 hallway. It welcomes students who want to expand their creativity and share their craft with other like-minded individuals. The club provides opportunities to learn new skills and practice their art while partaking in numerous projects. It supplies students interested in art with a place to advance their interests while making new friends and connections in the process.

“We enjoy meeting students who aren’t assigned in our art classes,” art teacher Todd Traxler said, “and look forward to getting to know the students who may not have an outlet to express their creativity.”

The club works on projects, specifically murals, together. One such example is last year’s mural composed of many squares forming the word “UNITY.” Each student was given a square to design with anything they desired, allowing members to collaborate and incorporate their personalities into the piece. The wall is still in progress as members continue contributing to the collaboration.

Club leaders Todd Traxler and Tracy Sachs plan to create more projects like the “UNITY.” They want to cover up bland, blank walls and paint beautiful illustrations with meaning onto them. All of this is to bring life onto the walls of Deerfield Beach High School.

“One of our big goals is to beautify Deerfield Beach High,” art teacher Tracy Sachs said. 

Not only does the school benefit from this club, but so do its members. Senior members get a cord for graduation as recognition of their alliance. There are also exciting contests and opportunities to earn scholarships.

As previously mentioned, the art club has the maximum number of members needed at the moment. However, students are still able to participate in projects without obtaining service hours or being considered a full member. Next year, they are ready to recruit new artists to assist in embellishing the school with creativity.

Written by Kyrah James | Graphic Designed by Stacey Martinez