Students Take Japan

ePathfinderMario ThomasNews

Students Take Japan

 DBHS Club Flies Across the World

Deerfield Beach High School’s Japan Club‘s main goal is expanding students’ knowledge of Japanese culture and language. They often do this by participating in fun activities and playing games to enhance their knowledge, but this spring break, they stepped out of the box.

During spring break, they had the opportunity of a lifetime. On the evening of March 17th, the DBHS Japan Club departed for their magical trip to Japan. This trip was filled with fun and adventures. It gave students a taste of something new.

The students visited cities all around Japan like, Tokyo, Yokohama, Hiroshima, and Osaka. They also saw famous landmarks like the Asakusa Temple, the Tokyo Tower, and the Meiji Shrine. While students traveled across the country, they visited markets and experienced many cultural foods.

“Japan has very cheap and delicious cuisine, it was one of my favorite parts of the trip”, said DBHS sophomore Aida Upato. This experience allowed students to get a first-hand understanding of the Japanese culture.

Japan Club members were able to immerse themselves in Japanese culture and utilize their newly learned Japanese skills. “Even though I only used a couple of phrases, I got the chance to speak with native Japanese speakers and it made me feel more confident,” says Upato.

This trip was a very memorable experience for Japan Club members. It was a chance to create lifelong memories and learn more about the fascinating country. If interested in learning more about Japanese culture and language, Japan Club meets every Monday in room 116. By joining

this club, students will become part of a community that shares their interest in Japanese culture and language.

Written by Mario Thomas | Graphic Designed by Mario Thomas
