Taking Leadership

ePathfinderFeatureIsabella BeckStacey Martinez

Taking Leadership

Cathlin Caldas’ notable contributions

The bright Cathlin Caldas excels as a student and supports Deerfield Beach High School in various ways. Taking on many responsibilities, she continues to aid her community and shine as a scholar.

Caldas is an invaluable asset to multiple classes, involving herself in the National Honor Society as the Director of Public Relations. She has excelled as a leader by creating their Instagram page, club logo, personalized reward certificates for special projects, and many other event flyers. Caldas also holds a spot as an outstanding student in the National Technical Honor Society. However, her contributions extend beyond N.H.S. and N.T.H.S. as she takes part in a handful of editing and administrative duties.

Caldas is an active member and club secretary of the Academy of Finance. For the past two years, she has been directing projects and helping students with assignments by A.O.F. teacher Mr. Pizzo. The star buck also accomplished her industry certification test on the first attempt in Entrepreneurship last year.

“She has been outstanding in creating Canva docs for my two clubs,” said A.O.F. teacher and N.H.S. sponsor Frank Pizzo. “She is an invaluable club member and student in my A.O.F. academy.”

Cathlin also contributes to Yearbook as the student life section editor. She plays a significant part by correcting, modifying, and double-checking other students’ works. Caldas also helps by taking pictures, organizing pages, and leading a team of five students in one of the Yearbook’s largest sections. She has been a remarkable support to teacher Mr. Radecki and his students in her three years of class.

“She is a good leader and an all-around pleasure to be around,” said Yearbook teacher Adam Radecki.

Although Cathlin has no decisive plan for the future, she tries to fully round her experiences in DBHS. However, she has picked up a recent fondness for photography, hoping to pursue a career involving the hobby. Caldas’ brightness and vast skills give her the potential to flourish in whatever path she partakes.

“That’s why I’m trying to do a little bit of everything now, putting myself in a lot of different places,” said senior Cathlin Caldas. “If I can control certain small things now, I know it’ll benefit me later.”

Deerfield Beach High School fosters a handful of brilliant minds, with Cathlin fitting that title comfortably. Her efforts throughout the years have been nothing less than charitable. Now a senior, she proves that hard work attains gratitude and recognition that will follow into whatever she endeavors after graduating.

Written by Isabella Beck  | Graphic Designed by Stacey Martinez