Test the Best

ePathfinderLeila RogersNews

Test the Best

F.A.S.T. Testing has begun at DBHS

The Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) Testing has begun at Deerfield Beach High School. FAST tests started in March of 2022 when Governor Ron DeSantis signed a new standardized test into law. The FAST test replaced the Florida Standard Assessment (FSA), and the exams were first administered in the 2022-2023 school year.

The FAST test is taken three times throughout the school year. Each test is called a progress monitoring or PM, as opposed to the FSA, which in previous years was only taken once near the end of the school year. This new monitoring system lets teachers see what to help students with more.

“The FAST has made testing easier,” says DBHS freshman Jose Lopez, “we have three chances to get good scores instead of just one”.

The statewide test gives students multiple chances to score well. On average, Broward County students increased by 41% in mathematics and 18% in ELA between the first and last progress monitoring test. With the multiple progress monitoring tests, teachers get a better idea of where to help students.

“After I take the FAST, my teachers know what I need to work on to get a better score for the next test,” DBHS student Deion Fowler said.

The first round of testing started in September of this year, the second round occurs in January while the final test takes place in May. Room assignments can be found in the main hallway on the trophy cases.

Although the FAST test allows students to bring up their scores and monitor their progress, the third test is crucial. PM3 counts towards students’ reading requirements to graduate. Juniors and Seniors who have not yet met their reading test requirements must attend the many scheduled makeup tests throughout the year. Students seeking to meet their graduation requirements can speak with their counselors and check the testing calendar.

Testing students may get into the habit of eating a filling breakfast and getting a good night’s sleep to ensure they are in the right mindset to succeed on their tests.

Written by Leila Rogers| Graphic Designed by Leila Rogers
