Tests Before Rests

ePathfinderJose JimenezNews

Tests Before Rests

Upcoming Midterm Exams

It is almost winter break and all the students here at Deerfield Beach High School are ready and excited to have two weeks off from school. More importantly, exams are in play. Midterm week began yesterday on December 19th and will end on December 22nd.

Midterm exams are taken before winter break to assess how much students have learned throughout the first semester of the 2023-2024 school year. Midterm exam days will consist of two exams, which will last two hours each. The school day will end at 11:40 a.m. and students can get a “grab & go” lunch from Buck’s Cafeteria until 11:50 a.m. Students can view a more detailed schedule here.

Midterm exams are very important, as they will be averaged with each student’s first and second-quarter grades. These averages will appear on students’ Virtual Counselor page under ‘Graduation Information’ and ‘Academic History’.

Students were given the option to exempt up to three midterm exams. They must have a “B” or higher in both the first and second quarter in the class they are looking to exempt. The exempted midterm grade will be the average of the student’s first and second-quarter grades.

However, students must maintain their second-quarter grade at a B or higher, or they will be expected to take the exam. Students may not be exempt from midterms given by Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or Florida International University (FIU) Dual Enrollment classes.

Students can view their midterm scores via Pinnacle under the Semester 1 Exam box once their teachers publish it. Students will earn the first half credit for the course unless they have earned an “F” as their final grade.

Midterm exams are crucial for students because not only will they test how much a student has learned, but they will also affect students’ GPAs and the credits they will receive to fulfill their graduation requirements.

Written by Jose Jimenez Graphic Designed by Jose Jimenez
