The Benefits of Baking

ePathfinderFeatureIsabella Beck

The Benefits of Baking

How baking improves mood and creates learning experiences

Through disconnection between people, food is a universally beloved thing to share. One form of food that brings others together or is simply pleasing to do is baking. Fun and therapeutic, the delicious hobby has many benefits to its practice.

During leisure, baking is a relaxing way to take the edge off and enjoy a fulfilling process. The feeling of cracking an egg, stirring the ingredients, and eventually tasting the product is a great mood booster. Not only is it fun to figure out, but the journey becomes a personal moment with oneself or a loved one. After creating something of passion and excitement, achieving the final fruit of that labor is a gratifying feeling.

It has also proved to help some suffering from ADHD or depression. Through baking, one lets go of their struggles and focuses on the recipe. However, once picking up that bowl to begin the process, it can become more than just a reliever. The magic of baking is made purely by will and creating something worth being proud of, which might be the feeling one needs at the end of a long week.

But the pastime activity isn’t only beneficial for mental health as people of all interests can implement baking into their other hobbies. The recipes are as versatile and creative as the one making them, especially for those with a great imagination. Often, the most visually appealing products come from a gifted mind.

With talent, a simple cake can be transformed into an incredible project. Although an unconventional medium, art does not care for how one expresses them self. It encourages visionary freedom, and baking is a valid way of showing that. The same resourcefulness also comes in handy when greeted by roadblocks.

Tedious, time-consuming, and product-demanding, baking often throws challenges. Using ingenuity is a part of the job and requires one to think outside of the box sometimes. Whether using a substitute for a broken oven or crafting a makeshift spoon when there are none, inventiveness is practical. Learning to work around those obstacles is a skill taught by time and experience.

However, despite the mistakes, every result is a success due to the progress made and the ability to improve. More so, it may be a fond memory worth keeping. The exercise alone is rewarding, positive, and full of energy. Whatever good interaction results from trying a recipe, there is something to be enjoyed through the process.

Written by Isabella Beck   | Graphic Designed by Isabella Beck