The Difference $40,000 can Make

ePathfinderFeatureReema Shather

The Difference $40,000 can Make

DBHS’s Jalliyia Phillippy is awarded a CollegeBoard Scholarship

Funding a college education can be extremely difficult. Tuition costs leave millions of high school seniors to rely on scholarships over the next four years. Access to sufficient financial funds can seem like a dream. For Deerfield Beach High School IB junior, Jalliyia Phillippy, this dream became a reality.

CollegeBoard’s BigFuture program awarded 25 high school students nationwide life-changing scholarships. The scholarship prizes run from $500 to $40,000, with Phillippy earning the latter. Her achievement has created a great sense of pride within the Deerfield Beach High School community.

The winners were acknowledged for their accomplishments on Good Morning America (GMA) in late March. They were surprised with the reward funds live on-air. Before the show, they completed several requirements to win entries to win a BigFuture scholarship.

Building a college list, practicing for the SAT through Khan Academy, exploring scholarships, completing FAFSA, and applying to colleges are some ways to be considered. These can all be submitted to the scholarship’s website for entries. Each completed task earns a student one entry into the pool of scholarship applicants, from which the winners are chosen.

“I’m proud that I was able to apply myself and complete their pre-requisites to obtain this accomplishment,” Phillippy said. “I recommend that students do the same to possibly win next year.”

Phillippy has promising prospects with yearnings for a successful future. Her new means of funds help lessen the stress of financing her destiny, allowing her to pursue her goals. She dreams of being an anesthesiologist due to her interest in the medical field.

“I plan on double majoring in a science, like biology or psychology, and business,” Phillippy said. “In the future, I would like to open a private practice.”

She hopes to attain these degrees at Howard University, a prestigious institution located in Washington D.C. CollegeBoard has made this option more accessible for Phillippy.

Phillippy has demonstrated that opportunities for receiving the best quality education are available. For prospective college students at Deerfield Beach High School, Phillippy is an example to strive toward.

All D.B.H.S. students have the ability to ern scholarship money with the Butler Scholarship offered only at Deerfield. The BRACE office is another great resource for students to find scholarship opportunities and build an application.

Written by Reema Shather  | Graphic Designed by Reema Shather