The End of Sapphics

ePathfinderKylie BronderPerspectives

The End of Sapphics

Netflix cancels yet another WLW based show

Netflix is a popular streaming service with both licensed and original shows. But within recent years, several series with dedicated fanbases and audiences have been canceled, even if they had a pre-existing audience. With this, some supporters are becoming wary of Netflix’s choices and reasoning.

Netflix has recently canceled many original shows, whether new or not. Many fans have connected a few of the dropped series to their connection to the LGBTQ+ community specifically shows featuring WLW (women-loving-women) relationships. Most notable of this batch is I Am Not Okay With This, Everything Sucks!, and recently, First Kill. First Kill is a modern vampire series with a tragic love story similar to Romeo and Juliette.

First Kill had amassed over 100 million hours of watch time in the first 28 days of its release, yet it still was canceled. However, Heartstopper, showcasing an MLM (men-loving-men) main couple, had been renewed for another season, despite its viewership being almost half as much as First Kill. When students were interviewed about their opinions on this, many were disappointed and upset.

“One second, they [Netflix] try so hard to be supportive, and then they take it back.”, said freshman Faith Brand.

Other students had claimed that Netflix is directly homophobic for these recent actions and that it’s “really harmful to the queer community and gay people.”

No matter the reason for Netflix to cancel these beloved shows, it is still harming LGBTQ+ youth. Representation is important for younger people to find themselves and to feel seen in the media.

Netflix’s repeated actions involving series that have been very well received are harming their viewers, their memberships, and overall profit. Unless Netflix starts figuring out where their loyalty lies, many fans will quickly decide to cancel their subscriptions

Written by Kyle Bronder | Graphic Designed by Kyle Bronder