The Flaws of Animal Experimentation

Angel SantiagoAnna MujicaePathfinderPerspectives

The Flaws of Animal Experimentation

How horrifying animal testing can get 

There has been a long debate about whether animals should be used to research and test products. Research and product safety testing uses 60% of all animals used in testing. People’s attitudes about animals vary, while some see them as companions, others see them as tools for improving experimental research or medical procedures.

Animals are still exploited by research and cosmetic corporations across the country and the world, regardless of how they feel about them. Even while successful animal research frequently helps humans, the suffering and deaths of the animals cannot be justified by any potential gains for people. As a result, neither study nor product safety testing should be done on animals.

“I feel like animals should not be tested on because of how many animals are becoming extinct, we do not need more animal issues,” said Junior Maria Dasilva Rodrigues.

People and animals share many characteristics, including the ability to feel, think, act, and experience pain. As a result, humans and animals both deserve respect. However, because they are not offered a choice, animal rights are infringed upon while they are utilized in research. Animals are put through experiments that are frequently agonizing or result in permanent harm or death, they are never given a chance to refuse to take part.

“I love animals and knowing that they suffer so much hurt because we don’t know or feel what they are going through,” said Sophomore Andre Canedo.

Not to mention, animal testing does not always get its intended results and sometimes things end up worse than predicted. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, just 8% of drugs tested on animals are considered safe and functional for human use 92% are not. This helps support the argument that animal testing does not provide enough information and positive results to justify the testing and harmful results, and this calls into question the ethics of animal testing.

Written by Anna Mujica | Graphic Designed by Angel Santiago