The Roles of a Captain

Anna MujicaePathfinderSports

The Roles of a Captain

Captains of the girls’ varsity soccer team are expected to model leadership, strong athletic ability, and good citizenship towards their teammates, rivals, and the school community. Team captains firmly believe that the best interest of the squad always comes first.

The ePathfinder spoke to the three team captains of the girls’ varsity soccer team to see how they define their roles.

“The most important thing for me as a soccer player is my team. We all support each other. Without my team I wouldn’t be who I am today,” junior Mallory Pastorious said.

There is power in a group of people who work together toward a shared goal. A properly managed team brings the best out of each person, allowing them to reach out and make long-lasting connections.

“My personal goals are to always be and do the best I can so I can have an impact on the others,” senior Sofia Fernandez said.

Setting team goals keeps things open and ensures everyone is on the same page. Providing team goals means people have their own responsibilities, but also that they know what the rest of the team is working on alongside them.

“Responsibilities as a team captain include connection with the teammates, communication during the games as well practice and leadership through it all,” junior Brianna Fisher added.

Being a team captain is not always easy, but it is a very important part of the composition of the team.

This year’s season is a lot more challenging than any other season. Due to COVID-19, some of the soccer players were not able to participate. Many are also paranoid about catching the virus during games or in school.

Being a team captain requires having a good relationship with others. This year’s team captains have known each other for quite a while and have fostered a strong bond between them as friends.

“The three of us already have a friendship apart from soccer so being able to coordinate is easy to carry out our coach’s vision to perform to our fullest potential,” Fernandez said.

The primary goal for any team is to grow better and better as each day goes by. Captains arrange team building activities to help break any tension between members and make everyone feel comfortable with each other. Not only would this encourage the team to function in unity together, but it will also help you identify each player’s strengths and weaknesses.

Written by Ana Mujica | Graphic Designed by Alexis Randall