The Ruby Sunrise

EntertainmentePathfinderJadyn Bosket

The Ruby Sunrise

Upcoming fall play

Deerfield Beach High School Thespians are back. The drama club at DBHS has done it again with the soon-to-come fall play. The members of the Thespians club have put on shows like Rinse, Repeat, Deliver Us from Mama, and more. Now, coming soon this Fall is The Ruby Sunrise. The Ruby Sunrise was written by Rinne Groff in 2004 and is now being reimagined by the Drama Club and its advisor, director, and teacher, Nelly Torres.

The Ruby Sunrise flips between the 1920s and the 1950s. This play is about a woman named Ruby who invented the television. In the 1920s, Ruby ends up moving in with her unwilling aunt on a farm. It is then that she begins her demanding journey to creating what we know today to be the television. She does all this while unknowingly falling for a certain someone during her voyage.

However, there was a drastic change in the environment in the 1950s. The story turns into a retelling of Ruby’s journey on a movie set directed by a man named Tad. The film in the play is based on Ruby and how she came about the creation of the television. Ruby’s daughter, Lulu, tries to keep her story as accurate as possible while juggling her love life and the ever-growing issue of sexism.

Not only is this story engrossing, but the students involved in this retelling of The Ruby Sunrise are working vigorously as well. Staring in this play is DBHS’s very own Ceylin Kurkcu. They play the main characters Lulu and Ruby along with Camilo Zambrono as Tad and Henry. Rebecca Ainer plays Lois, Ruby’s aunt, and Ethel. Not only that but, Xyler Christy plays Paul, Thalia Dorsca plays Suzie, Sophia Dantes plays Elizabeth, and Terard Robinson plays Martin.

With all the time and effort put into this production, DBHS should get hit with an exciting play. With an outstanding cast and crew all working together for the better of the production, people expect nothing less from the students of Deerfield Beach High.

“The cast and crew overall have great chemistry. We all have fun, and everything is running well behind the scenes. The only difficulty for me is playing a straight man,” DBHS junior Terard Robinson said.

Apart from being great actors on stage, the cast flows very well off of each other. The Thespian Club also has good chemistry behind the scenes. There is not a set date for this play yet, but it will be held before autumn concludes.

Ultimately, this upcoming Fall play, The Ruby Sunrise by Rinne Groff, is going to be reimagined by the DBHS Thespians and brought to the halls of Deerfield Beach by director Nelly Torres. Make sure to tune in to The Ruby Sunrise when it is announced. Everyone will see a telling yet intriguing tale of Ruby and her journey to creating the TV.

Written by Jadyn Bosket | Graphic Designed by Jadyn Bosket