Time in History

ePathfinderLavender PalmerPerspectives

Time in History

History being taught in school

Learning about history as a student is crucial as they grow up learning about events, origins, and cultural significances. History can teach a person many things; minor or major.

“It’s important to know the events that happened before us and what led to the life we can live now. It’s knowing what happened before your time and what led up to your time,” said Deerfield Beach High School sophomore Maria Morales.

Exploring the intricacies of history can offer a vivid and detailed comprehension of the events that have shaped our world and how they continue to influence our present. Acquiring knowledge is a vital aspect of personal growth and development. It enables individuals to gain a better understanding of the world around them and make informed decisions. One of the most effective ways to expand one’s knowledge is by studying history. By delving into the past, individuals can learn about the events and circumstances that have shaped the present-day world.

“Learning world history is important because it helps to understand how the people actually used to live,” said DBHS sophomore Jordan Juste.

Exploring the events and experiences of the past can provide individuals with a deeper understanding of diversity and inclusion. By examining the struggles and triumphs of different cultures and communities throughout history, people can gain insight into the complexities of human relationships and the importance of embracing differences. Learning about the contributions and perspectives of diverse groups can also help individuals develop empathy and respect for others, which can lead to more inclusive and harmonious communities.

Amongst the various benefits, there are some ways in which being taught world history in school can negatively affect students. There have been instances where misinformation gets spread due to bias, which becomes an issue considering students go to school to learn facts, not lies. The effect of these lies can result in more spread of misinformation, discrimination, and extreme bias.

World history plays a major part in learning more about the way humans worked, lived, and thrived. While some parts may seem boring or unnecessary, they are crucial in understanding the past, present, and future.

Written by Lavender Palmer | Graphic Designed by Lavender Palmer