Time Left to Test

ePathfinderIsabella CournyeaNews

Time Left to Test

Remaining exams of 2022

With the remaining time left in this school year, many test dates are left to complete. April will soon pass, and therefore testing in May through July is awaited. These exams will wrap up the school year, so it is advised for all students to put in their best effort.

Few tests are remaining in April as the last week approaches. April’s tests will be in the following order: PERT Testing (19th), FCLE Civics Exam for seniors (20th), Make Up Testing (21st), 12th Grade SAT (26th), and IB Physic SL in addition to PERT Testing (28th).

The first scheduled exams in May are AP Jap Language & Culture, AP US Gov. & Pol, and AP Chem. Then IB Exams start on May 2nd. The IB exams will extend into the next day on the 3rd, alongside the US History EOC, AP Environmental Science, and AP Psych. The 9-10th Grade Reading FSA will start May 4th, when IB History of America, High level (HL) and Standard level (SL), AP English literature and composition, and AP Computer Science will also be held.

May 5th can be considered a day reserved for a mass selection of exams as it holds the most in a single day. IB History of America tests will move onto the 5th with IB Environment, AP Human Geography, AP Macro Economics, IB Enivronmental system and societies SL, and AP Statistics. The 9-10th Reading FSA, IB Enivronmental system and societies SL, and AP Micro Eco will continue the 6th. There will also be APUSH, IB Math Analysis & Applications SL, HL and IB Applications and interpretations SL.

The month of May occupies most of the testing schedule. As the weekend passes, the testing days pick back up on May 9th, where the exams will be a continuation of IB Math Analysis & Applications SL and HL, and IB Applications and interpretations SL, AP Calc AB, AP Calc BC, and AP Computer science. The IB Japanese SL, AP Eng. Lang & Comp, and Biology EOC will be on May 10th with IB Japanese SL in the 11th as well with AP Spanish Language and culture, AP Bio, IB Bio., Algebra 1 and Geometry EOC’s.

May 12th consists of AP French Language and Culture, AP World His., AP Phys 1, IB Math Analysis & Applications HL, and IB Literature HL. The Algebra 1 and Geometry EOC’s will continue May 13th.

Starting on May 16th through May 27th there will be FSA Makeups with additional exams alongside them. The additional exams will be in the following order: IB Spanish SL, HL (16th-17th); IB Psych SL (18th); IB Chem SL (20th); and IB French SL.HL (19th-20th). Senior Exams will be from May 24th through May 27th.

The school year will wrap up in June, and a few tests will be scattered along the week of the year’s end. Grades 9-11 Final Exams will be from June 6th to June 9th. There are EOCs also to be scheduled on July 18-21st at select centers.

Written by Isabella Cournyea | Graphic Designed by Isabella Cournyea
